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Win More Duels in Slayer: Diamond Member Analysis
In this Halo guide, Coach Mills will analyze a Diamond member's Slayer game.

Coach Millls
Advanced VOD Analyses - Halo Infinite Course

0% completed
1. Onyx VOD Analyses
2. Pro Match Analyses
Advanced VOD Analyses - Halo Infinite Course

0% completed
1. Onyx VOD Analyses
2. Pro Match Analyses

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brandonbrown 2 years ago
The problem with ranked though is that there's no penalty for deaths. In most games if I go to 12 and 2 someone who went 13 and 14 would have a higher score than me. It's ridiculous.
gotchadollar 2 years ago
are you still playing with and coaching members? Not sure how to reach you but im interested!
Sethluke93 2 years ago
I'm hardstuck in d 5 and I keep watching my games and I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong can you please review my gameplay
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Menloongonda 1 year ago
These videos changed my whole style and now I’m dying noticeably less, even getting more kills than deaths. I always just played casually, blindly running into the next fight with no concern for environment/cover/escape plan. With all this in mind I’m having a lot more fun.