With World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic now live on, we will be taking a look at the best classes for DPS as we take a trip down memory lane. Given how much information is available, some players might be getting their first taste of Cataclysm with the Classic revival.
With that being said, we will be ranking all of the damage specializations from worst to best, so you can have a better idea of what you can expect either from your DPS or if you would like to try DPS for yourself in Cataclysm Classic.
Table of Contents

Tier List Explanation
This tier list will examine all of the available DPS specs in WoW Cataclysm Classic.
- D-Tier: The worst class spec in terms of damage, you will struggle to top the DPS charts
- C-Tier: Although a bit better in terms of damage, you will have inconsistent damage
- B-Tier: Viable and reliable in most situations, you can manage rather decently.
- A-Tier: Great options but lacking just slightly either in terms of damage or utility.
- S-Tier: The best DPS classes you can play for maximum results.
NOTE: Although there might be differing opinions in terms of damage, performance, utility and overall value estimation, this list serves as a beginner's guide to players wanting to DPS in Cataclysm Classic.

WoW Cataclysm Classic: D-Tier DPS
Frost Mages are in general better suited for PvP content rather than PvE as their damage is subpar.
WoW Cataclysm Classic: C-Tier DPS
Fury Warriors have seen better days as the gear and and class tuning in Cataclysm do not allow them to excel damage-wise. Your main contribution will be Sunder Armor and Raging Blow
Although the slight rework makes Subtlety Rogues somewhat viable in PvE content, the lack of cleaves and AoE damage generally brings the spec quite down on the list.
Beast Mastery Hunters are in a tough spot in terms of DPS. Although you have a nice raid-wide buff with Ferocious Inspiration, seldom will you outperform the other Hunter specs.
Destro Warlocks can be quite decent if Bane of Havoc is properly utilized, however, the spec is simply weaker in comparison to Affliction and Demonology.
- Good single-target DPS and mobility
- Very underwhelming damage
WoW Cataclysm Classic: B-Tier DPS
With Marksmanship being slightly better than Beast Mastery, and your rotation being very straightforward, you will find yourself somewhere in the middle in terms of damage. Overall, your main contribution will be Trueshot Aura.
Although your damage is somewhat mediocre, the utility you bring is not to be underestimated as Faerie Fire (Feral) via Feral Aggression is a great tool to increase raid DPS.
This spec has a lot of setup in order to shine in PvE encounters as your single-target damage is not amazing, but your AoE potential can be quite impressive.
- Great cleave with Blade Flurry
- Good debuffs with Savage Combat and Tricks of the Trade
- Mediocre single-target damage
Great burst and AoE potential as well as amazing utility with Bloodlust and totems like Wrath of Air Totem, Strength of Earth Totem, Healing Stream Totem. The main thing setting back this spec is the low single-target damage.
Balance Druids offer exceptional AoE damage as their kit allows them to easily deal with multi-target fights.
- Good raid utility with Innervate, Rebirth, Typhoon, and Stampeding Roar
- Decent off-healing that can be woven in between rotations
- Lack of burst single-target damage
WoW Cataclysm Classic: A-Tier DPS
Arcane Mages do not bring much to the table as they have some great damage and Arcane Tactics, but struggle to maintain consistent DPS in longer encounters.
Ret Paladins can be a great choice and are often picked in groups due to their damage, buffs, and utility.
- Emergency heal with Lay on Hands as well as amazing single-target burst
- Great buffs with Communion and utility with Cleanse, and Hand of Freedom
- Middle-of-the-line AoE damage
Incredible burst in almost all scenarios as well as great raid-wide buffs and utility via totems and Bloodlust.
- Mobility and well-rounded damage for both single-target and AoE encounters
- Great crowd control with Thunderstorm
- Jack-of-all-trades problem
A great pick for players who want to provide good and bursty damage on single targets as well as decent AoE damage against huge packs with Fan of Knives. Assassination Rogues have a great debuff in the form of Master Poisoner as well as some nice utility through poisons.
Frost DKs are in a good spot as their damage is excellent both for single-target and AoE burst scenarios as they also offer great utility with Brittle Bones and Improved Icy Talons.
Affliction Warlocks are amazing at dealing with 2 or more targets as their DoTs Unstable Affliction, Corruption, coupled with sustained utility through curses make them prime DPS candidates.
Shadow Priests are ever so close to S-Tier with their utility spells Mind Quickening and Replenishment as well as unique kit damage-wise.
- High sustained single-target damage
- Great cleave due to multi-dotting
- Lack of mobility
WoW Cataclysm Classic: S-Tier DPS
The best of the best when it comes to DPS, Arms Warriors have some shiny new toys to play with in Cataclysm.
- Amazing single-target burst with Colossus Smash and AoE cleave Sweeping Strikes
- Great raid-wide cooldown Rallying and debuffs like Blood Frenzy
- Some RNG due to Sudden Death procs
Demo Warlocks are great at dealing with single-target and AoE situations as their damage outshines Affliction and Destruction.
- Huge damage via Metamorphosis
- Decent utility with Soulstone and Fel Healthstone
- Lack of mobility
Incredible single-target damaged and sustained AoE, Unholy DKs shine with Ebon Plaguebringer and Anti-Magic Zone.
Survival Hunters are very easy and incredibly strong in Cataclysm as not only can you unleash tons of single-target damage, but your AoE DPS is not to be underestimated.
- Useful utility with Misdirection and Hunting Party buff
- Simple rotation
- Reliant on cooldowns for maximum damage output
Possibly the best DPS class spec in Cataclysm, Fire Mages have it all. With a wide array of damage tools, utility, and even a buff, you are guaranteed a spot if you run this spec in raids.
- Incredible single-target and AoE damage Combustion, Impact
- High mobility and raid buff Time Warp
- Low survivability
- Some RNG might affect damage output
Summary of Best DPS Specialization in WoW Cataclysm Classic

And that covers our tier list for the best DPS ranked from worst to best. Although all of the specs can serve you well, some specs shine far brighter than others in terms of damage, utility, threat generation, and overall playstyle.
Although you can find great success with any of the classes, it is important to remember that some specs will favor specific encounters as there is no one true absolute DPS in World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic.
Tier | PvE DPS |
D-Tier | Frost Mage |
C-Tier | Destruction Warlock, Beast Mastery Hunter, Subtlety Rogue, Fury Warrior, |
B-Tier | Balance Druid, Enhancement Shaman, Combat Rogue, Feral Druid, Marksmanship Hunter |
A-Tier | Shadow Priest, Affliction Warlock, Frost Death Knight, Assassination Rogue, Elemental Shaman, Retribution Paladin, Arcane Mage |
S-Tier |
Fire Mage, Survival Hunter, Unholy Death Knight, Demonology Warlock, Arms Warrior |