With the release of Cataclysm Classic coming ever so closer, players are trying out the pre-patch content as they try to re-ignite the passion when they first booted up Cataclysm. Blizzard is actively working on ironing out the bugs, and issues so that the official launch greets the players as they traverse the new and torn-asunder Azeroth.
Given how small the World of Warcraft Classic Team is, we can expect frequent hotfixes and updates to Cataclysm Classic so that the experience remains fun and balanced for everyone involved. Despite the massive success WoW Classic has achieved over the years, it seems the community is not as excited about Cataclysm as they were for the previous expansions.
With that being said, we will review all of the hotfixes and changes that were added to the game so you can get a better understanding of what to expect should you want to try out the beta before WoW Cataclysm hits live servers on May 20, 2024.

WoW Cataclysm Classic Hotfixes

Some minor updates and hotfixes to World of Warcraft Classic as the devs busily work on ensuring the game is fully functional whilst polishing some bugs in the meantime.
General Changes
Blood Queen Lana'thel should now Vampiric Bite more consistently.
Kadrak now allows players to complete To the Rescue! even when Brutusk is busy.
Fixing an issue where sacks of oatmeal were not interactable during the Keepin' the Haggis Flowin' quest.
Fixed an issue that would prevent players from completing the Devastation quest. Devastation can now be reacquired by walking near the foliage that begins the quest in the Badlands.
Fixed an issue that would prevent players from interacting with Sewer Caps on the Fungus Among Us quest.
The Troll racial ability Berserking will now reset when an encounter ends.

- Selfless Healer now correctly increases Word of Glory healing when Word of Glory is cast on others.

- Fixed some issues with Prayer of Mending. Twin Disciplines now properly increases Prayer of Mending healing by the amount stated in the tooltip. Grace now works properly on healing from Prayer of Mending. Glyph of Prayer of Mending now increases healing from the first bounce of Prayer of Mending by 100%.

- Flametongue Totem will no longer stack with other Spell power increasing effects.

Incubus pets can now be renamed by Warlock Demon trainers, just like other demon pets.
And that covers all of the hotfixes that were recently added. We will actively monitor for any further updates and changes to Cataclysm Classic. Make sure to give Archeology a try and test out the PvP changes to your favorite classes.