The Darkmoon Cards are a staple in WoW Vanilla so the devs decided to add their own spin on them by creating new decks with very powerful effects. Season of Discovery has proven to be a rather fun and unbalanced experience. Although there are always some rough patches, overall, the devs can respond to feedback and apply hotfixes to the game to ensure that not too many players abuse exploits.
With that being said, we will go over everything you need to know about Darkmoon Cards, how you can farm them, and how they can benefit you to become a strong PvP or PvE enjoyer.

WoW SoD Phase 3 New Darkmoon Cards and Farm
The devs added 4 new Darkmoon Cards in Season of Discovery Phase 3 that you can get by completing a deck. You will need to gather 8 total cards from the specific deck labeled Ace, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, and Eight. We will go over where you need to farm them so you can get yourself a great trinket that will enhance your character's power.
You will need to complete the Dunes Deck to get the Darkmoon Card: Sandstorm trinket.
You can get the first card, Ace of Dunes from Chief Ukorz Sandscalp in the Zul'Farrak dungeon.
The rest of the cards you can get by doing the following:
- Kill level 40-60 Undead/Humanoid mobs throughout Azeroth.
- Kill mobs in the Zul'Farrak, Blackrock Depths, and Uldaman dungeons.
- Open Shadowtooth Bag by turning in 10x Wild Offering to Shadowtooth Emissary in Felwood. This is repeatable so it can be a great way to get your desired cards or make some gold on the Auction House.
You will need to complete the Plagues Deck to get the Darkmoon Card: Decay trinket.
You can get the first card, Ace of Plagues from Noxxion in the Maraudon dungeon.
The rest of the cards you can get by doing the following:
- Kill level 40-60 Undead/Humanoid mobs throughout Azeroth.
- Kill mobs in the Zul'Farrak, Blackrock Depths, and Uldaman dungeons.
- Open Shadowtooth Bag by turning in 10x Wild Offering to Shadowtooth Emissary in Felwood. This is repeatable so it can be a great way to get your desired cards or make some gold on the Auction House.
You will need to complete the Nightmares Deck to get the Darkmoon Card: Torment trinket.
You can get the first card, Ace of Nightmares from Dreamscythe, Weaver, and the Hazzas bosses in the new Sunken Temple raid.
The rest of the cards you can get by doing the following:
- Kill level 40-60 Undead/Humanoid mobs throughout Azeroth.
- Kill mobs in the Zul'Farrak, Blackrock Depths, and Uldaman dungeons.
- Open Shadowtooth Bag by turning in 10x Wild Offering to Shadowtooth Emissary in Felwood. This is repeatable so it can be a great way to get your desired cards or make some gold on the Auction House.
You will need to complete the Wilds Deck to get the Darkmoon Card: Overgrowth trinket.
You can get the first card, Ace of Wilds from the following:
- Maraudon Dungeon: Princess Theradras, Delirious Ancient
- Blackrock Depths Dungeon: Delirious Ancient
- Zul'Farrak Dungeon: Delirious Ancient
The rest of the cards you can get by doing the following:
- Kill level 40-60 Undead/Humanoid mobs throughout Azeroth.
- Kill mobs in the Zul'Farrak, Blackrock Depths, and Uldaman dungeons.
- Open Shadowtooth Bag by turning in 10x Wild Offering to Shadowtooth Emissary in Felwood. This is repeatable so it can be a great way to get your desired cards or make some gold on the Auction House.
And that is everything you need to know about the new Darkmoon Cards in Season of Discovery Phase 3. The grind will be very difficult, but if you manage to collect most of the cards from your set, you can also try purchasing the rest on the Auction House but be prepared to sink a lot of gold.