With a new season comes a new meta, and Dragonflight Season 3 is no different! The upcoming raid, Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope, brings in a bunch of new gear, trinkets, and a lot of new bosses to learn and farm. In this guide, we're diving into what to expect from each healing class in the latest raid of patch 10.2.
We're weighing factors like how well they keep the team alive, their healing output, any buffs they bring to the group, utility, and how we think they'll handle the new raid bosses. Since raid teams need a mix of healers, we'll also factor in the competition for slots against other healing classes. So, here's our healing tier list for the 10.2 raid tier:

Dragonflight Season 3 Raid Healer Tier List:
Tier | Heroes |
S Tier | |
A Tier | |
B Tier |
B Tier Healer Classes For Raiding in Season 3:
Restoration Shamans are in a decent spot this upcoming raid tier, but they definitely seem like they are the weakest of the bunch. Their output is not as strong as it used to be at the beginning of Season 2, and their damage output got hit as well. They don't really bring any relevant buffs to a raid group, but Spirit Link totem could find a niche use in some encounter. In general, they are decent, but if you want to push the highest PVE content in the game, we recommend some of the other options for now.
Restoration Druids are a bit behind the rest of the classes in this tier. While do they competitive healing numbers, their damage output is lacking. Balance Druids also look amazing in this upcoming raid, so the Mark of the Wild raid spot might be in danger for Resto. They got some of their healing profile shifted in previous balance patches and for now it looks like Blizzard has missed the target.
A Tier Healer Classes For Raiding in Season 3:
Holy Paladins have received a nerf pretty much every week since their rework in patch 10.1.5. Blizzard's attempt at balancing their power level in M+ dungeons has caused a severe effect on how strong they are in raids. They lack the damage, healing output and are constantly plagued by mana issues. Until they can can be balanced for both types of content at the same time, they are going to struggle in a raid environment.
That being said the utility they bring is still some of the best in the game and a slot for a Holy Paladin is definitely possible because of the need for Devotion Aura.
Holy Priests are in a decent position in this coming raid tier. A few weeks ago we would've put them up in the S tier, but following PTR testing, they have gotten a ton of nerfs. Their defensives, their output and their tier set all got hit within the last month of testing. Meanwhile at the same time we are witnessing the rise of Discipline, which received an interesting rework that is going boost their performance greatly.
Holy is a good spec and it's definitely competitive with the rest of the healers, but it's currently overshadowed by Discipline.
Mistweaver Monks are in the best state they've been in throughout the Dragonflight expansion. The class has received small buffs here and there in every patch, and it finally seems like they are going to be able to compete with the rest of the classes. They are the most likely Monk spec to be in the meta, which means that they will be needed for the Mystic Touch debuff. Their damage and healing has been buffed many times and will be competitive with the best of the specs. Overall, they are definitely a great pick for this current raid tier.
Preservation Evokers are one of the strongest healers in this raid tier. Their raw output and the utility they bring is up there with the likes of Discipline. Their new tier set is going to boost one of their big downsides - their spot healing, as well as damage. The only reason Preservation is not in S tier is because of how prominent Augmentation Evokers are going to be.
Raid groups tend to be a bit more lenient than their dungeon counterparts, so stacking a few Evoker classes is not going to be that big of an issue. Overall, Preservation is in a great spot for patch 10.2
S Tier Healer Classes For Raiding in Season 3:
Following their rework, Discipline Priests are expected to be among the top healer of this raid tier. They stand out in the healer category because of the exceptional damage they bring to groups, both from their own damage output and the importance of Power Infusion. The raw healing output and the utility they bring in the form of Fortitute and Barrier is going to be very important in this upcoming raid. The decreased relevance of Shadow Priests and the big nerfs to Holy are also reasons to why Discipline has suddenly become the top dog in many lists. Overall, we believe Discipline Priests to be the strongest healer at the start of this tier.
And that wraps up our dive into the healing lineup for Season 3 of Dragonflight's latest raid, Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope. Keep in mind, that most of these healers are going to be able to do any of the content in the game, we're just ranking their relative power. Hopefully with this information, you will be able to find your perfect main for Season 3!
For more insights on patch 10.2, feel free to explore the other guides available on our website.