Another batch of changes was added to the new World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria Remix limited-time event. As the new game mode is set to last for 3 months, many players have been sharing feedback with the devs to improve the Bronze rewards, among other justifiable quality-of-life changes.
Although the community was brimming with excitement from the first announcement of MoP Remix, over time, players started growing frustrated with the way Blizzard handled new farming strategies by quickly hotfixing them, like the Frog and Goat groups.
Given how often the new releases for World of Warcraft versions always come with the slogan "Exploit early, and exploit often" players are starting to criticize the lack of testing and overall decision-making on the side of the Blizzard devs. With that being said, we will take a look at all of the new hotfixes for the World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria Remix event.

WoW MoP Remix Increased Bronze Rewards

Bronze Rewards
- Normal scenarios, Normal dungeons, Heroic scenarios, Heroic dungeons, and daily Infinite Bazaar quests now award a Cache containing 5x as much Bronze as before.
Developers’ notes: We intend for players to earn more Bronze as you level up, so you can more easily start purchasing upgrades and rewards. At level 70, these caches now award 8750 Bronze (this was previously 1750 Bronze).
There has been some confusion from the community that a single cache grants 8750, however, it seems that you will receive 8750 in total from all seven of the caches. Nevertheless, this is a good quality-of-life change that will allow players to obtain their desired cosmetics much faster.
General Changes
- Fixed an issue where the Celestial Court bosses on the Timeless Isle would occasionally despawn.
- Fixed a bug affecting the scaling of certain Tinker gems.
- Putrid Waste enemies in Throne of Thunder no longer deal extreme amounts of Putrify damage.
- Brewmaster Blanche now queues you for A Brewing Storm when asked.
- The Paragon of the Mists title is now account-wide.
And that covers all of the recent updates to WoW MoP Remix. We will continue monitoring for any other important changes that are added to the game, so have fun re-living the glory days of the Mists of Pandaria expansion and best of luck getting your sought-out cosmetics!