The World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 4 PTR is now live so players will get the chance to try out all of the new content that will most probably become available later at launch. With each phase, all of the classes get brand new runes to try out as Season of Discovery has shown a lot of exciting new ways to play your favorite class.
Although some of the runes do not add that much flair or power to their respective classes, at least players get to experiment with different playstyles, whether you would like to heal as a Mage, tank as a Rogue or Warlock, Season of Discovery certainly will spice up your gameplay with new items and abilities to boot.
WoW SoD Phase 4 New Runes on PTR

Here are all of the new runes that were discovered on the World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 4 PTR. All of the runes below can be added to your character's Cloak slot.

Druid Runes
- Improved Swipe: Adds the Swipe (Cat) ability and causes Swipe in Bear form to cause 100% increased damage and hit 3 additional targets.
- Tree of Life: Transform into a Tree of Life. While active reduces the mana cost of all Heal over Time abilities by 20%, increases healing received by all party members by 10%, increases the Druid’s spirit by 25% and increases the Druids armor by 200%, but the druid may not cast any harmful abilities.
- Starfall: The druid calls down a rain of up to 20 falling starts over 10 seconds hitting enemies within 30 yards of the druid for Arcane damage. 90 second cooldown. Cancelled by loss of control effects, mounting, and shapeshifting.

Hunter Runes
- Improved Volley: Increases Volley damage by 3% of attack power each time it deals damage. Volley also no longer has a cooldown and no longer suffers pushback from damaging attacks against the Hunter and the mana cost of Volley is reduced by 50%
- Resourcefulness: Reduces the mana cost of all traps by 100% and their cooldowns by 6 seconds.
- Hit and Run: Raptor Strike increases movement speed by 15% for 4 seconds.

Mage Runes
- Arcane Barrage: An instant attack dealing high arcane damage. 3 Second Cooldown.
- Overheat: Fire Blast is now castable while casting another spell, is unaffected by the global cooldown, and always crits.
- Frozen Orb: The Mage launches a frost orb that damages nearby enemies and snares them. Can trigger fingers of frost.

Paladin Runes
- Shield of Righteousness: Slam the target with your shield, causing Holy damage based on your block value. 6 second cooldown.
- Vindicator: Your Vindication talent now also decreases the targets Attack Power and increases the Paladin’s Strength, Agility and Attack Power by up to 20% for 10 seconds.
- Righteous Vengeance: Your Judgement, Crusader Strike, Divine Storm, and Holy Shock abilities now deal an additional percentage of their damage dealt over 8 seconds.

Priest Runes
- Binding Heal: A fast heal that heals a friendly target and the Priest and deals a low amount of Threat. This spell benefits from and triggers all effects associated with Flash Heal.
- Soul Warding: Power World: Shield has no cooldown, a reduced mana cost, and increased magnitude.
- Vampiric Touch: A Damage-over-time effect that grants 2% of damage dealt as mana returned to all party members.

Rogue Runes
- Blunderbuss: Fire a musket blast at enemies in a cone in front of the Rogue, dealing physical damage.
- Crimson Tempest: Finishing move that hits all nearby targets with a damage-over-time bleed based on Attack Power. Increased duration and damage per CP.
- Fan of Knives: The Rogue instantly throws both weapons at all targets dealing area effect damage.

Shaman Runes
- Storm, Earth, and Fire: Chain Lightning cooldown is reduced by 100%, Earthbind Totem immediately immobilizes all enemies when cast, and Flame Shock deals 60% increased periodic damage.
- Feral Spirit: Summon a pair of temporary spirit wolf guardians for 45 seconds. 3 minute cooldown.
- Coherence: Chain Heal effectiveness only reduced by 35% per jump, Chain Lightning effectiveness only reduced by 20% per jump, and each spell now jumps to one additional target.

Warlock Runes
- Decimation: Shadowbolt, Shadow Cleave, Incinerate and Soul Fire damage on targets below 35% health causes your next Soul Fire to not cost a Soul Shard and cast 1.5 seconds faster. 10 Second Duration.
- Mark of Chaos: Shadowburn causes your next single-target spell or ability to have a 100% increased critical strike chance.
- Infernal Armor: For the next 10 seconds, all non-physical damage is reduced by a percentage of your damage reduced from armor. 60 sec cooldown.

Warrior Runes
- Fresh Meat: Damaging a target with Bloodthirst has a chance to enrage you, activating abilities which require being enraged and cause you to deal 10% increased damage for 12 seconds. 100% chance to proc on first Bloodthirst hit against a target. 10% chance for subsequent hits against that same target.
- Sudden Death: Your melee crits have a chance to activate sudden death for 10 seconds. While Sudden Death is active, you may use Execute on any target, and you always have 10 rage remaining after using execute.
- Shockwave: Cone attack that deals physical damage and stuns all affected enemies for 4 seconds. Requires a Shield and Defensive Stance. 60 sec cooldown.
And that covers all of the new cloak runes that have been found so far in the World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 4 PTR. Every class is getting some quite significant power creeps to look forward to come Phase 4.