With the World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 4 PTR now live, players and especially data miners are unveiling more content for the community to see. Not only is the community starting to amp up in excitement, but it seems that Wowhead was also able to share some very cool information about possible items, runes, and changes that we might see when Phase 4 becomes available.
Having that in mind, we will take a look at the datamined placehold quest item for the legendary Ashbringer. Originally, the weapon was scrapped in Vanilla WoW due to budget and time constraints, however, it is completely possible for the sword to make an appearance in Season of Discovery.
WoW SoD Phase 4 PTR Ashbringer Quest Item

This legendary weapon has been rumored to be in the game ever since Vanilla WoW, however, it was introduced in the infamous Naxxramas raid in the form of the Corrupted Ashbringer. Although the actual Ashbringer existed in the game files, Blizzard ultimately did not provide a way of obtaining it.
However, with the introduction of Season of Discovery, much of the game's content was revamped with new runes, spells, and items. Given the recent launch of the Season of Discovery Phase 4 PTR, players were already able to discover some cheeky secrets.
As of now, we only know of a placeholder quest item for possibly obtaining the quest item: PLACEHOLDER_ASHBRINGER_QUESTITEM_01. The devs, of course, are teasing the community, given the funny flavor text, leading many to believe that we might get the chance to actually wield the legendary weapon in WoW Classic.
WoW SoD Phase 4 Ashbringer Possible Quest

Although we do not have official confirmation from Blizzard, they have been teasing an updated Scarlet Monastery instance ever since they announced Season of Discovery. With that in mind, we can expect a quest line to become available in Phase 4 for players to either seek out the Ashbringer or possibly cleanse the Corrupted version from the Naxxramas raid.
Disclaimer: Keep in mind that this is highly speculative and in no way confirms that the Ashbringer will be available as per the information we currently have.
Either way, the devs have already planted the seed into the minds of players, as we can expect some even greater surprises to discover. As of now, the community is still on the fence about whether Blizzard can redeem itself for the previous two phases, but given how WoW Classic will reach its endgame content, perhaps the players will give it another go.