World of Warcraft Season of Discovery is once again facing criticism from the community as Phase 3 is setting out to be not as enjoyable as Phase 1, even Phase 2! Blizzard is looking to remedy this by adding further incentive for players to level up alts in the game, given how little content there is to explore, given the level cap limitations.
The first time around the Discoverer's Delight XP Buff was introduced, players were very excited to try and level up alts, however, the new systems that were introduced in Phase 3 discouraged players from having more than 1 character, given how much grinding they had to do, and the fact that the new Sunken Temple Raid gear was not very exciting.
However, the Blizzard devs are looking to even further increase the XP Buff so you can either catch up with your friends if you decided to quit Season of Discovery in the previous phases or if you are simply an altaholic looking for more classes to try out. Whatever the case may be, it is good to see that the devs are not abandoning Season of Discovery despite the heavy backlash.

World of Warcraft SoD XP Buff Increase

Blizzard recently announced changes to the Discoverer's Delight experience buff. This will drastically reduce the time you need to reach the maximum level in Phase 3.
Join the path of discovery in Season of Discovery Phase 3. Beginning with weekly resets, players get the benefit of the Discoverer’s Delight experience buff*, which increases experience gains by 150% for all players through level 39 and 100% for players level 40-49! It’s a great time to join Season of Discovery, whether you’re just joining in the fun, or creating and leveling a whole new character.
Players can also visit any innkeeper in the capital cities to turn the experience buff off or on.
These changes might further encourage players to give Season of Discovery another try by leveling a new character, but some of the issues still remain which hopefully the devs will iron out and improve come Phase 4.
And that covers everything you need to know about the XP buff. We will make sure to cover every important piece of news we come across, so hop on Azeroth and give Season of Discovery if you haven't yet!