World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 2 has shown just how much the community was looking forward to the next chapter in this journey. Just within 48 hours of the launch of Phase 2, all of the runes have been discovered.
We will be going over all of the locations for each rune so you can start gearing up your character and be ready to head into the new Gnomeregan raid.
All Runes
WoW SoD Phase 2 Shaman Runes and Locations
Each time you strike an enemy with a two-handed weapon, you gain 30% attack speed with two-handed weapons for 10 sec.
Two-Handed Mastery Rune Location
- You will need to travel to Deadwind Pass and speak with the Dalaran Agent at Ariden's Camp /way 52 35 to get Ariden's Sigil.
- You will need to equip Ariden's Sigil and defeat seven Dark Rider Elites by using the trinket to reveal them. If you see the Dark Presence buff then that means you are near a Dark Rider. (Another player can also equip and use Ariden's Sigil so you can do this with a group).
- Deadwind Pass: the Dark Rider can be found at /
way 43 29 and drops Curious Dalaran Relic. -
Swamp of Sorrows: the Dark Rider can be found at /
way 69 28 . -
Arathi Highlands: the Dark Rider can be found at /
way 34 35 . -
Badlands: the Dark Rider can be found at /
way 58 54 . -
The Barrens: the Dark Rider can be found at /
way 52 36 . -
Desolace: the Dark Rider can be found at /
way 65 25 . - It is unknown which Dark Rider drops each of the remaining Relics, but the Relics are as follows: Odd Dalaran Relic, Whirring Dalaran Relic, Heavy Dalaran Relic, Slippery Dalaran Relic, Creepy Dalaran Relic.
- Once you have obtained all of the runes, you will have to return to the Dalaran Agent and return all of the Dalaran Relics to obtain the rune as a reward.
When you deal damage with a melee attack, you have a chance to reduce the cast time and mana cost of your next Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Lesser Healing Wave, Healing Wave, Chain Heal, or Lava Burst spell by 20%. Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts 30 sec.
Maelstrom Weapon Rune Location
Charlga Razorflank in Razorfen Kraul will drop a Scroll. This Scroll can only be used at level 30.
Take the Scroll to Rau Cliffrunner in Freewind Post, Thousand Needles.
Go to Tarren Mill, following the River north. Find Bath'rah the Windwatcher at /way 80.4, 66.8. Before talking to him, do /
pray . -
Go to Desolace and collect 10 Wind Orbs from Wind Elementals.
Go to Dustwallow Marsh and collect 10 Water Orbs from Water Elementals.
Go to Bad Lands and collect 10 Earth Orbs from the Earth Elementals East of Kargath.
Return to Bath'rah the Windwatcher north of Tarren Mill, bring Crystal Vial x1. Bath'rah will fill the Vial for you.
Return to Freewind Post and give the Filled Vial to Rau Cliffrunner
Drink the Vial and talk to the Flight Master in Freewind Post.
Kill the Closest Caster, then kill the Elite Water Elemental. Loot the eye.
If you die, talk to the spirit guide and ask to be taken back to where you were, do not Spirit Resurrect!
Return to Bath'rah the Windwatcher north of Tarren Mill, receive the Rune.
Infuses the target with the spirit of an alpha wolf, increasing all threat generated by the target by 45% for 30 min. Limit 1 target.
Spirit of the Alpha Rune Location
- You will have to loot a Weathered Cache on top of the mushroom-shaped rock newar Freewind Post in Thousand Needles at /
way 46, 53 .

- The cache contains the Echo of the Alpha rune and that is all you need to do.
Summons a Decoy Totem for 10 sec with 5 health at the feet of the target that will redirect the next melee or ranged attack made against the target to the totem instead. The totem also grants the target immunity to movement impairing effects for 10 sec.
Decoy Totem Rune Location
- You will have to go to Thousand Needles and collect certain items.
- Gather 3x Cloud Serpent Fangs from Cloud Serpents.
- Gather 10x Strong Harpy Feathers from Harpies.
- Get 1x Silken Thread (available from vendors)
- Once you have all of the items, head to the Altar of the Wind Spirit at /
way 39.4 42.0 , behind a hut on top of the bluff. - Use either Cloud Serpent Fang or Strong Harpy Feathers to create an Offering to the Wind Spirit.
- Once you have received the buff, you will need to jump from the ledge to get the rune.
Your Fire Nova Totem spell is replaced with Fire Nova, which causes your current Fire totem to emit damage at its location.
Fire Nova Rune Location
- You will need to head to Desolace and kill Flameseer Dubelen at /way 57, 21.
- Travel to Orgrimmar and speak to Zor Lonetree /
way 39.0, 38.0 . - Return to Desolace and go to the Maraudon entrance where you have to loot two separate Tear of Theradras.
- Return to Zor Lonetree and then speak with Arch Druid Hamuul Runetotem at /
way 78.6, 28.6 in Thunder Bluff. -
Speak with Tal at the Thunder Bluff flight path and travel to Moonglade.
Travel to /
way 55, 65 in Moonglade to find a Corrupted Fire Totem. Use the Elemental Salve to cleanse this totem, and you will receive the Brimstone Icon. - Once you have received the Brimstone Icon, equip it. You will then need to hit enemies 25 times with Rockbiter Weapon; doing so and then right clicking the equipped Brimstone Icon will earn you this Rune.
Each time Flame Shock deals damage, it has a 5% chance to reset the cooldown on Lava Burst and Chain Lightning and make the next Lava Burst, Chain Heal, or Chain Lightning within 10 sec instant. Additionally, you regenerate mana equal to 15% of your Intellect every 5 sec.
Power Surge Rune Location
- Find Boulderfist Ogre (level 32-33) in Arathi Highlands; they can be found surrounding a short mountain and inside a cave around /way 34, 44.

Kill ogres until you loot the Ogre Lightning Rod.
Place the rod on top of the mountain into Soft Soil.
Target the Lightning Rod and strike it ten times with Lightning Bolt. This will summon a level 37 Elite named Tam'kar. Kill the Elite to loot the rune.
When you critically heal with your Healing Wave or Lesser Healing Wave you summon an Ancestral spirit to aid you, instantly healing the lowest percentage health party member within 40 yards for 30% of the amount healed.
Ancestral Awakening Rune Location
- You will need to head to Desolace to get the Highway Robbery quest, northwest of the Kodo Graveyard, /way 47 54.
- Then go to /
way 63 39 , near Kormek's Hut to turn in the quest to Bibbly F'utzbuckle so you can pick up the On the Lam quest. - Then travel to the Booty Bay inn and speak with Tokal and pick up Cherry for Your Thoughts?. Buy her Cherry Grog so you can get the No Honor Among Thieves quest.
- Head to Arathi Highlands and interact with a Rowboat under the bridge around /way 53 91 to be teleported to the eastern shore.
- Speak with Illari Duskfeather and defeat her to loot the dropped bag and obtain Illari's Key
- Open the nearby chest and loot the rune.
WoW SoD Phase 2 Paladin Runes and Locations
Dealing damage with your melee weapon increases your spell power by an amount equal to 30% of your attack power for 1 min. In addition, your critical healing spells heal the target for 60% of the healed amount over 12 sec.
Sheath of Light Rune Location
- You will have to locate a Broken Hammer on the ground in Mannoroc Cove, Desolace /way 52.6, 84.8 so you can start The Broken Hammer quest.
- Slay nearby earby Burning Blade Summoners to loot the required Torn Letter, then head to the Stormwind Cathedral to turn in the quest to Katherine the Pure /way 37.8 31.6.
- You will get the A Lost Brother quest that will have you go to Menethil Harbor in Wetlands, and speak to Harold Riggs on the docks.
- You will then have to go to Newman's Landing /way 18.0, 74.5 in Dun Morogh (to reach it, swim south from Wetlands along the coast).
- You will then be ambushed by enemies and loot Orders from the Grand Crusader from them. Accept the Orders from the Grand Crusader quest.
- Return to Stormwind and speak with Katherine the Pure
- You will then have to defeat High Inquisitor Whitemane inside the Scarlet Monastery Cathedral to be able to access her chambers and locate Aeonas the Vindicated.
- Return to Katherine the Pure in Stormwind to turn in the final quest and learn the rune.
Each time you hit a target with your melee weapon, you gain 5% of your maximum mana per 3 sec for 15 sec, but the amount healed by your Flash of Light, Holy Light, and Holy Shock spells is reduced by 50% during this mana regeneration.
Guarded by the Light Rune Location
- You will need to head to Alterac Mountains with another healer who can resurrect you.
- Head into the Ruins of Alterac and click on the skeleton on the south-facing wall to loot the Dormant Holy Rune.

- Cast Divine Intervention on another player. After that, have the healer ressurect you to learn the new rune.
Each time the target takes damage they gain a Sacred Shield, absorbing (36 */ 100) damage and increasing the Paladin's chance to critically hit with Flash of Light by 50% for up to 6 sec. In addition, causes your Flash of Light to heal targets with Sacred Shield for an additional 100% over 12 sec. They cannot gain this effect more than once every 6 sec. Lasts 30 sec. This spell cannot be on more than one target at any one time.
Sacred Shield Rune Location
- You will need to go to Nijel's Point in Desolace at /way 66.5 7.6 and loot the Libram of Deliverance from a book on the bench inside the building.
- Once you have equipped Libram of Deliverance you will have to use Blessing of Freedom to free other players from movement impairing effects five times.
- Once you have completed this requirement, simply right click the equipped Libram of Deliverance to learn the rune.
Increases the range of your Judgement of Light and Judgement of Wisdom spells by 30 yards and increases your chance to hit by 4%.
Enlightened Judgements Rune Location
- You will need to discover three beads in Arathi Highlands.
- Tarnished Prayer Bead I drops from various humanoid mobs, including Syndicate Rogues, Witherbark Medicine Men, various types of Dark Iron Dwarves, and various Boulderfist Ogres. Purify the bead by casting Blessing of Might and killing an enemy.
- Tarnished Prayer Bead II drops from Boulderfist Ogre West of Refuge Pointe as well. Purify the bead by casting Divine Shield with less than 10% health.
- Tarnished Prayer Bead III drop from Witherbark Shadow Hunter. Purify the bead by using Seal of Justice with Judgement on a fleeing enemy.
- Once you have combined all three of items into a Rosary, bring it to Brother Atticus at Stormgarde Keep to get the rune.
Increases the damage done by your Holy Shock by 20%, and your damaging critical strikes with Holy Shock reset the cooldowns on Holy Shock and Exorcism and refund the cost of Holy Shock.
Infusion of Light Rune Location
- You will need to travel to Deadwind Pass and speak with the Dalaran Agent at Ariden's Camp /way 52 35 to get Ariden's Sigil.
- You will need to equip Ariden's Sigil and defeat seven Dark Rider Elites by using the trinket to reveal them. If you see the Dark Presence buff then that means you are near a Dark Rider. (Another player can also equip and use Ariden's Sigil so you can do this with a group).
- Deadwind Pass: the Dark Rider can be found at /
way 43 29 and drops Curious Dalaran Relic. -
Swamp of Sorrows: the Dark Rider can be found at /
way 69 28 . -
Arathi Highlands: the Dark Rider can be found at /
way 34 35 . -
Badlands: the Dark Rider can be found at /
way 58 54 . -
The Barrens: the Dark Rider can be found at /
way 52 36 . -
Desolace: the Dark Rider can be found at /
way 65 25 . - It is unknown which Dark Rider drops each of the remaining Relics, but the Relics are as follows: Odd Dalaran Relic, Whirring Dalaran Relic, Heavy Dalaran Relic, Slippery Dalaran Relic, Creepy Dalaran Relic.
- Once you have obtained all of the runes, you will have to return to the Dalaran Agent and return all of the Dalaran Relics to obtain the rune as a reward.
Your melee critical strikes reset the cooldowns on Holy Shock and Exorcism.
The Art of War Rune Location
- You will need to head to Desolace to get the Highway Robbery quest, northwest of the Kodo Graveyard, /way 47 54.
- Then go to /
way 63 39 , near Kormek's Hut to turn in the quest to Bibbly F'utzbuckle so you can pick up the On the Lam quest. - Then travel to the Booty Bay inn and speak with Tokal and pick up Cherry for Your Thoughts?. Buy her Cherry Grog so you can get the No Honor Among Thieves quest.
- Head to Arathi Highlands and interact with a Rowboat under the bridge around /way 53 91 to be teleported to the eastern shore.
- Speak with Illari Duskfeather and defeat her to loot the dropped bag and obtain Illari's Key
- Open the nearby chest and loot the rune.
WoW SoD Phase 2 Hunter Runes and Locations
Raptor Strike cooldown reduced to 3 sec and is now instant, Mongoose Bite cooldown removed, and Raptor Strike has a 30% chance on each attack not to trigger its cooldown.
Melee Specialist Rune Location
- You will need to travel to Deadwind Pass and speak with the Dalaran Agent at Ariden's Camp /way 52 35 to get Ariden's Sigil.
- You will need to equip Ariden's Sigil and defeat seven Dark Rider Elites by using the trinket to reveal them. If you see the Dark Presence buff then that means you are near a Dark Rider. (Another player can also equip and use Ariden's Sigil so you can do this with a group).
- Deadwind Pass: the Dark Rider can be found at /
way 43 29 and drops Curious Dalaran Relic. -
Swamp of Sorrows: the Dark Rider can be found at /
way 69 28 . -
Arathi Highlands: the Dark Rider can be found at /
way 34 35 . -
Badlands: the Dark Rider can be found at /
way 58 54 . -
The Barrens: the Dark Rider can be found at /
way 52 36 . -
Desolace: the Dark Rider can be found at /
way 65 25 . - It is unknown which Dark Rider drops each of the remaining Relics, but the Relics are as follows: Odd Dalaran Relic, Whirring Dalaran Relic, Heavy Dalaran Relic, Slippery Dalaran Relic, Creepy Dalaran Relic.
- Once you have obtained all of the runes, you will have to return to the Dalaran Agent and return all of the Dalaran Relics to obtain the rune as a reward.
Your Traps can now be placed at any location within 40 yards, and can be placed while you are in combat. Additionally, your Fire-based and Frost-based traps now have separate shared cooldowns.
Trap Launcher Rune Location
- You will need to head to Desolace to get the Highway Robbery quest, northwest of the Kodo Graveyard, /way 47 54.
- Then go to /
way 63 39 , near Kormek's Hut to turn in the quest to Bibbly F'utzbuckle so you can pick up the On the Lam quest. - Then travel to the Booty Bay inn and speak with Tokal and pick up Cherry for Your Thoughts?. Buy her Cherry Grog so you can get the No Honor Among Thieves quest.
- Head to Arathi Highlands and interact with a Rowboat under the bridge around /way 53 91 to be teleported to the eastern shore.
- Speak with Illari Duskfeather and defeat her to loot the dropped bag and obtain Illari's Key (Night Elves have a peaceful option that gives you the key straight away)
- Open the nearby chest and loot the rune.
Steady Shot Rune Location
- You will need to fish in the Witherbark Village lake (Arathi Highlands) /
way 66 60.5 and kill Needletooth to get Rune of Steady Shot.

When your pet scores a critical hit with a special ability, you instantly regenerate 5% of your maximum mana.
Invigoration Rune Location
- You will need to find Amaryllis Webb located in Swamp of Sorrows on the road between Deadwind Pass and the Blasted Lands.

- You will have to buy a Entomology Starter Kit from her to be able to go bug hunting.
- The first mob you need to find is located in Stranglethorn Vale at the logging camp outside Zul'Gurub on a tree stump at /
way 45.0, 19.0 . - The second mob is in Arathi Highlands in the stable at Northfold Manor at /
way 31.0, 28.0 . - The final mob is in Desolace next to the Kodo Graveyard at /
way 51.0, 59.0 . - Once you have gathered all three, return to Amaryllis Webb to get the rune.
Increases the damage done by your offhand weapon by 50%, causes your Raptor Strike to strike with both weapons when you are dual-wielding, and Raptor Strike deals 30% increased damage when you are wielding two weapons of the same type.
Dual Wield Specialization Rune Location
- You will need to head to Stranglethorn Vale at /way 31.8,9 15.7 and you will get the Danger! debuff.
- You will then have to use Flare to detect the source of danger. This will spawn the Bloodscalp Guerrilla you need to kill to get the rune.
Your melee and ranged criticals increase your attack power by 40% of your current Agility for 7 sec.
Expose Weakness Rune Location
- Kill Dustbelcher Ogre in Badlands until you get a Primitive Drawing drop. This gives the quest Terror of the Desert Skies. Turn in Terror of the Desert Skies to Hemet Nesingwary in Stranglethorn Vale.
- Receive a cage from Hemet Nesingwary and use it to capture any critter.
- Return to the Badlands and go to the southwestern part of the zone, /
way 22 67 . Find a large bird's nest. Use the critter as bait to lure down Gharrik, a level 40 bird. Kill Gharrik and loot the Crimson Trophy Quill. -
Return the quill to Hemet Nesingwary and get the Rune.
WoW SoD Phase 2 Druid Runes and Locations
Starfire increases the critical strike chance of your next two Wraths by 30%, and Wrath increases the critical strike chance of your next Starfire by 30%, both effects stacking up to 4 charges. Both spells also gain 70% chance at all times to not lose casting time when you take damage.
Eclipse Rune Location
- You will need to head to Desolace to get the Highway Robbery quest, northwest of the Kodo Graveyard, /way 47 54.
- Then go to /
way 63 39 , near Kormek's Hut to turn in the quest to Bibbly F'utzbuckle so you can pick up the On the Lam quest. - Then travel to the Booty Bay inn and speak with Tokal and pick up Cherry for Your Thoughts?. Buy her Cherry Grog so you can get the No Honor Among Thieves quest.
- Head to Arathi Highlands and interact with a Rowboat under the bridge around /way 53 91 to be teleported to the eastern shore.
- Speak with Illari Duskfeather and defeat her to loot the dropped bag and obtain Illari's Key (Night Elves have a peaceful option that gives you the key straight away).
- Open the nearby chest and loot the rune.
Tiger's Fury now increases all physical damage you deal by 15% instead of by a flat value, and instantly grants you 60 Energy. It is no longer on the global cooldown, but it now has its own 30 sec cooldown.
King of the Jungle Rune Location
- You will need to travel to Deadwind Pass and speak with the Dalaran Agent at Ariden's Camp /way 52 35 to get Ariden's Sigil.
- You will need to equip Ariden's Sigil and defeat seven Dark Rider Elites by using the trinket to reveal them. If you see the Dark Presence buff then that means you are near a Dark Rider. (Another player can also equip and use Ariden's Sigil so you can do this with a group).
- Deadwind Pass: the Dark Rider can be found at /
way 43 29 and drops Curious Dalaran Relic. -
Swamp of Sorrows: the Dark Rider can be found at /
way 69 28 . -
Arathi Highlands: the Dark Rider can be found at /
way 34 35 . -
Badlands: the Dark Rider can be found at /
way 58 54 . -
The Barrens: the Dark Rider can be found at /
way 52 36 . -
Desolace: the Dark Rider can be found at /
way 65 25 . - It is unknown which Dark Rider drops each of the remaining Relics, but the Relics are as follows: Odd Dalaran Relic, Whirring Dalaran Relic, Heavy Dalaran Relic, Slippery Dalaran Relic, Creepy Dalaran Relic.
- Once you have obtained all of the runes, you will have to return to the Dalaran Agent and return all of the Dalaran Relics to obtain the rune as a reward.
When activated, this ability causes your Mangle (Bear) ability to hit up to 3 targets and have no cooldown, and reduces the energy cost of all your Cat Form abilities by 50%. Lasts 15 sec. Requires Bear Form, Cat Form, or Dire Bear Form to activate.
Clears the effect of Fear and makes you immune to Fear for the duration.
Berserk Rune Location
- You will need to find the Beastly Effigy in Thousand Needles at approximately /way 69 55 to receive the Beastly Effigy buff.
- You will then have to use Challenging Roar on the Beastly Effigy to spawn Zai'enki. Once you defeat the Elite mob, you will get Idol of the Heckler.
- Once you equip Idol of the Heckler, you will have to use Challenging Roar to taunt two or more enemies at once and kill one of the while they are taunted.
- Once you kill five different enemies, right click Idol of the Heckler to learn the spell.
Your damaging spell critical strikes grant you 50% of your mana regeneration while casting for 8 sec and increase Nature damage dealt to the target by 20% for 12 sec.
Dreamstate Rune Location
- You will need to kill Centaurs (yellow dot) in Desolace until you get Desiccated Seed Pod.
- You will then have to water the Desiccated Seed Pod in the pond (blue dot). Simply swim in it until you get Satyrweed Bulb.
- After that, you will need to head north to Sargeron (green dot) and plant the seed in a Sandy Loam.

When activated, this grants you 30% of your maximum health for 20 sec. After the effect expires, the health is lost. Useable in any form.
In addition, you regenerate 5 rage every time you dodge while in Bear Form or Dire Bear Form, 10 energy while in Cat Form, or 1% of your maximum mana while in any other form.
Survival Instincts Rune Location
- You will need to find Amaryllis Webb located in Swamp of Sorrows on the road between Deadwind Pass and the Blasted Lands.

- You will have to buy a Entomology Starter Kit from her to be able to go bug hunting.
- The first mob you need to find is Arbor Tarantula located in Stranglethorn Vale at the logging camp outside Zul'Gurub on a tree stump at /
way 45.0, 19.0 . - The second mob is Hay Weevil in Arathi Highlands in the stable at Northfold Manor at /
way 31.0, 28.0 . - The final mob is Flesh Picker in Desolace next to the Kodo Graveyard at /
way 51.0, 59.0 . - Once you have gathered all three, return to Amaryllis Webb to get the rune.
Heals a friendly target for (161 / 100 *) to (189 / 100 *). Heals for an additional 20% if you have a Rejuvenation, Regrowth, Lifebloom, or Wild Growth effect active on the target. This spell benefits from and triggers all effects associated with Healing Touch.
Nourish Rune Location
- You will need to head to Dusthallow Marsh and kill the Rotting Ancient around /way 45, 51.
- Loot the Rotten Seed to start the The Lost Ancient quest. You will then have to teleport to Moonglade and speak with Orokai to begin The Lost Saplings quest (note that a timer will start once you accept the quest).
- Loot the Crystal Waters of Lake Elune'ara so you can receive the Water of Lake Elune'ara.
- Without teleporting, dying, or letting the timer run out, you must find and water four separate Saplings in the Eastern Kingdoms.
- Once you have watered all of the Sapling, return to Orokai to complete the quest and get the rune.
WoW SoD Phase 2 Warrior Runes and Locations
The Blood Surge rune in SoD causes Heroic Strike, Bloodthirst, and Whirlwind have a 30% chance to make your next Slam within 15 sec instant and cost 0 Rage.
Blood Surge Rune Location
- You can find the Blood Surge Rune by defeating ogres in Alterac or in Stromgarde. You'll get the Illegible Recipe drop, which will start the quest Anyone can Cook. Go to southeast Arathi Highlands and locate Skonk (/
way 59.0, 72.0) . He'll give you a follow-up quest to get 4 items: - Hybrid Haunch (can drop from Wild Gryphons in the Hinterlands and Hillsbrad Foothills).
- Smuggler's Spice Blend (at the bottom of the sunken vessel, Arathi Highlands (/
way 20.0, 83.0). - Balmy Brew (a keg in Angor Fortress' basement in the Badlands).
- Viscous Venom (drops from Spiders in the Swamp of Sorrows)
- Turn in the quest and you'll get the Blood Surge rune from Skonk.
Focused Rage can reduce the rage cost of the player's offensive abilities by 3.
Focused Rage Rune Location
- Get the Witherbark Mallet from Witherbark trolls in Witherbark Village, Southwest Arathi Highlands. Head to the Enter the Witherbark Cave (/
way 63 77) . - Once in the cave, find the Witherbark Gong. Interact with it, using the mallet. This will spawn the Witherbark Goliath. Defeat it and loot the Focused Rage Rune.
Thanks to this rune Slam is instant. However, it has a 6-second cooldown.
Precise Timing Rune Location
- To get this SoD rune, head to Deadwind Pass and talk to Dalaran Agent at Ariden's Camp (/
way 52 35 ), and you'll receive Ariden's Sigil. Equip it (or get another player to equip it) and defeat 7 Dark Rider Elites after using Ariden's Sigil to Reveal Dark Rider. You can be sure a Dark Rider is near if you get the Dark Presence buff. You need to collect 7 Darlan Relics (make sure you use Reveal Dark Rider to get this loot). - The relics are Odd Dalaran Relic, Whirring Dalaran Relic, Heavy Dalaran Relic, Slippery Dalaran Relic, Creepy Dalaran Relic.
- Turn in the Relics and receive the Precise Timing Rune.
You can let out a rallying cry, which will give all party and raid members within 40 yards 15% increased maximum health for 10 sec
Rallying Cry Rune Location
- The Rallying Cry Rune is a drop from level 40 Rare Elite Wandering Swordsman in Badlands
The player can run at high speed towards a party member, stopping the next melee or ranged attack made against them. This will also reduce their total threat by 10%.
Intervene Rune Location
- Use Combat Dummies in the southwest part of Shimmering Flats in Thousand Needles (/
way 66 88) . - Use Execute, (on the 1st dummy, wielding a two-handed weapon), Taunt (on the 2nd dummy while dual wielding), and Shield Bash (on the 3rd combat dummy).
This SoD rune heals the player for 30% of their maximum health over 10 sec. It can be used only while Enrage, Berserker Rage, or Bloodrage is active. You can also use it while Stunned.
Enraged Regeneration Rune Location
- Start the Highway Robbery quest in Desolace at the Extinguished Campfire northwest of the Kodo Graveyard (way 47 54). Turn it in to Bibbly F'utzbuckle (/
way 63 39 , close to Kormek's Hut). Pick up the quest On the Lam. - Head to the Booty Bay inn. Talk to Tokal to turn in the quest and get Cherry for Your Thoughts?. You'll have to buy her Cherry Grog and she will give you the next quest, No Honor Among Thieves.
- Find the rowboat under the bridge between Arathi Highlands and the Wetlands, (/w
53, 91). It will take you to the eastern shore. There you'll need to find Illari Duskfeather. Defeat her and loot Illari's Key. Open the chest and you'll get the Enraged Regeneration Rune.
WoW SoD Phase 2 Rogue Runes and Locations
This SoD rune allows you to throw a shuriken at your enemy. It will deal damage equal to 25% of your Attack Power, and also strike up to 4 additional nearby targets. Aside from that, it wards 1 combo point.
Shuriken Toss Rune Location
- In Swamp of Sorrows, head to (/
way 42, 30 ). A Dart Trap is attached to a tree, which will fire a Poison Dart if you step too close in front of it. Use Disarm Trap on the Dart Trap to obtain this Rune.
All attacks made while stealthed and for 6 seconds after breaking stealth, will have 10% additional damage.
Master of Subtlety Rune Location
- To get this SoD rune, go to Kurzen's compound. It's in the northern Stranglethorn Vale. In the compound WoW players will find a stone tower and a cave near it. Go inside the tower, find Wendel Mathers, and talk to him. Pickpocket Kurzen mobs in the cave to get the key to unlock his cage.
- Free Wendel, go to Booty Bay and talk to Captain Aransas, she will give you the Master of Subtlety Rune.
Each time you Dodge or Parry, this rune will make you gain 6% increased Health, stacking up to 5 times.
Rolling with the Punches Rune Location
- Head to Camp E'Thok in Thousand Needles and go into the biggest tent (/way 18.5 20.9). You will find a small chest which contains even more chests. Keep opening them until you get the Rolling with the Punches rune.
The player can throw their off-hand weapon to deal normal off-hand weapon damage with a 100% chance to apply the poison from their off-hand weapon to the target. This will award them 1 combo point. Poisoned Knife benefits from all talents and effects that trigger from or modify Sinister Strike.
Poisoned Knife Rune Location
- Start the Highway Robbery quest in Desolace at the Extinguished Campfire northwest of the Kodo Graveyard (way 47 54). Turn it in to Bibbly F'utzbuckle (/
way 63 39 , close to Kormek's Hut). Pick up the quest On the Lam. - Head to the Booty Bay inn. Talk to Tokal to turn in the quest and get Cherry for Your Thoughts?. You'll have to buy her Cherry Grog and she will give you the next quest, No Honor Among Thieves.
- Find the rowboat under the bridge between Arathi Highlands and the Wetlands, (/w
53, 91). It will take you to the eastern shore. There you'll need to find Illari Duskfeather. Defeat her and loot Illari's Key. Open the chest and you'll get the Poisoned Knife Rune.
With this SoD rune, you can try to step through the shadows and reappear behind your enemy. This will increase your movement speed by 70% for 3 sec.
Rolling with the Shadowstep Rune Location
- Head to Pyrewood Village in Silverpine Forest. Find a briefing in the Dead Drop chest (/
way #1421 47.1 71.1) and start The Eye of Bhossca quest, asking you to find a disguise in the Monastery. - Behind Scarlet Monastery you'll have to locate a box inside the stable. Loot the box for the disguise, and equip it. When you're done, go inside the outer area of Scarlet Monastery.
Pick Pocket a Scarlet Scryer in the Graveyard wing. Get the Scryer's Key and head to the library wing. With the key you can loot a sparkling box inside the Athanaeum.
Head to the Graveyard wing and /
sit on a bench in the Forlorn Cloister. Afterward, cross the room to / sit on the opposite bench. Turn right and loot the sparkling chest inside one of the mausoleum niches. -
Return to the Library and head to the Gallery of Treasures. Loot the last box for the Eye of Bhossca.
Head to any major city and check your mail for a a lockbox. Go back to the Dead Drop and now you can pick up the Shadowstep Rune.
The Waylay Rune causes Ambush and Backstab hits to unbalance the target. This increases the time between their melee attacks by 10%, and reduces their movement speed by 50% for 8 sec.
Waylay Rune Location
- To get this SoD rune, head to Deadwind Pass and talk to Dalaran Agent at Ariden's Camp (/
way 52 35 ), and you'll receiveAriden's Sigil. Equip it (or get another player to equip it) and defeat 7 Dark Rider Elites after using Ariden's Sigil to Reveal Dark Rider You can be sure a Dark Rider is near if you get the Dark Presence buff. You need to collect 7 Darlan Relics (make sure you use Reveal Dark Rider to get this loot). - The relics are Odd Dalaran Relic, Whirring Dalaran Relic, Heavy Dalaran Relic, Slippery Dalaran Relic, Creepy Dalaran Relic.
- Turn in the Relics and receive the Waylay Rune.
WoW SoD Phase 2 Priest Runes and Locations
This SoD rune instantly reduces all damage taken by a friendly target by 40%. It also increases resistance to Dispel mechanics by 65% for 8 sec.
Pain Suppression Rune Location
- You will have to loot Echos across four zones. Echos are on graves in the following areas:
Scarlet Monastery (Graveyard) - Graveyard Echo about halfway down the grave area and to the left (near where the Headless Horseman spawns during the holiday event in Retail)
Arathi Highlands - Arathi Echo - Go'shek Farm, /
way 62 54 - Dustwallow Marsh - Theramore Echo, in graveyard around /
way 63.5 42.5 - Swamp of Sorrows - Swamp Echo /
way 16.8 53.8 - Go to the Scarlet Monastery - Library wing. Activate the Echos at the correct statues in the following order:
Warrior - Swamp Echo
Mage - Arathi Echo
Paladin - Theramore Echo
Priest - Graveyard Echo
- If you have done all steps correctly, a glowing sphere will appear in the middle of the room. Loot the Memory of a Leader's Betrayal and use to learn Pain Suppression.
Mind Spike blasts your target for [111 * (9.456667 + 0.635108 * Level + 0.039063 * Level * Level) / 100] to [129 * (9.456667 + 0.635108 * Level + 0.039063 * Level * Level) / 100] Shadowfrost damage. This rune also increases the critical strike chance of your next Mind Blast on the target by 30%, stacking up to 3 times.
Mind Spike Rune Location
- You will need to head to Desolace to get the Highway Robbery quest, northwest of the Kodo Graveyard, /way 47 54.
- Then go to /
way 63 39 , near Kormek's Hut to turn in the quest to Bibbly F'utzbuckle so you can pick up the On the Lam quest. - Then travel to the Booty Bay inn and speak with Tokal and pick up Cherry for Your Thoughts?. Buy her Cherry Grog so you can get the No Honor Among Thieves quest.
- Head to Arathi Highlands and interact with a Rowboat under the bridge around /way 53 91 to be teleported to the eastern shore.
- Speak with Illari Duskfeather and defeat her to loot the dropped bag and obtain Illari's Key (Night Elves have a peaceful option that gives you the key straight away).
- Open the nearby chest and loot the rune.
If you have this SoD rune, your Renew will heal one extra time when applied. It also gains 15% increased benefit each time it heals from your bonus healing effects. Renew can also be activated on targets affected by another Priest's Renew.
Empowered Rune Location
- You can get the Empowered Rune as a drop from two types of mobs - Grimtotem mobs in Thousand Needles (/
way 34.4 30.6) and Crushridge Ogre mobs in Alterac Mountains (eastern edge of the snowy area, / way 52.8 44.6).
Renewed Hope causes your heals from Flash Heal, Lesser Heal, Heal, Greater Heal, and Penance to have 10% increased critical effect chance when cast on targets with Weakened Soul.
Renewed Hope Rune Location
Head to the northwestern shoreline to defeat Nagas. You'll get Unsettling Vision. Use Mind Control on Slitherblade Tide Priestess to get the Meditation buff. Now you can use Unsettling Vision to learn Renewed Hope.
With this SoD rune players can disperse into pure Shadow energy. Doing so reduces all damage taken by 90%. However, you'll be unable to attack or cast spells, but you regenerate 6% mana every 1 sec for 6 sec. Dispersion can be cast while stunned, feared, or silenced. It clears all snare and movement-impairing effects and makes you immune to them.
Dispersion Rune Location
To get this rune, you'll need a rogue who already has the Master of Subtlety Rune and Jani's Charm. Use the charm to pickpocket trolls in Stranglethorn Vale (/way #1434 33 14). You'll be able to get the Mysterious Troll Scroll.
- A mage needs to cast a Comprehension Charm to decipher the scroll, turning it into Deciphered Troll Scroll.
- Get Holy Spring Water from the Holy Spring or Naga fountain in the southern part of Stranglethorn Vale (/
way #1434 28.9 62.0) . If you have two Meditation Buffs, you can take the scroll to the troll's Ruins of Zul'Kunda (Stranglethorn Vale, /way #1434 23.6 8.2) . Use the Holy Spring Water next to the fountain behind Gan'zulah. This will cause the fountain to become intractable. Loot it for the Dispersion Rune.
You can activate this SoD Rune to become the Spirit of Redemption for 10 sec. In this form, healing spells are free of cost. However, you cannot move, attack, be attacked, or be targeted by any spells or effects. This rune requires Spirit of Redemption talent to activate, and players won't enter Spirit of Redemption upon dying.
Spirit of the Redeemer Rune Location
- To get this SoD rune, head to Deadwind Pass and talk to Dalaran Agent at Ariden's Camp (/
way 52 35 ), and you'll receive Ariden's Sigil. Equip it (or get another player to equip it) and defeat 7 Dark Rider Elites after using Ariden's Sigil to Reveal Dark Rider You can be sure a Dark Rider is near if you get the Dark Presence buff. You need to collect 7 Darlan Relics (make sure you use Reveal Dark Rider to get this loot). - The relics are Odd Dalaran Relic, Whirring Dalaran Relic, Heavy Dalaran Relic, Slippery Dalaran Relic, Creepy Dalaran Relic.
- Turn in the Relics and receive the Spirit of the Redeemer.
WoW SoD Phase 2 Mage Runes and Locations
This Mage rune will give your Arcane Blast a 40% chance. It will also grant your Fireball and Frostbolt spells a 20% chance to reduce the channeled duration of your next Arcane Missiles spell by 50%, reduce the mana cost by 100%, and missiles will fire every 0.5 seconds.
Missile Barrage Rune Location
- You will need to travel to Deadwind Pass and speak with the Dalaran Agent at Ariden's Camp /way 52 35 to get Ariden's Sigil.
- You will need to equip Ariden's Sigil and defeat seven Dark Rider Elites by using the trinket to reveal them. If you see the Dark Presence buff then that means you are near a Dark Rider. (Another player can also equip and use Ariden's Sigil so you can do this with a group).
- Deadwind Pass: the Dark Rider can be found at /
way 43 29 and drops Curious Dalaran Relic. -
Swamp of Sorrows: the Dark Rider can be found at /
way 69 28 . -
Arathi Highlands: the Dark Rider can be found at /
way 34 35 . -
Badlands: the Dark Rider can be found at /
way 58 54 . -
The Barrens: the Dark Rider can be found at /
way 52 36 . -
Desolace: the Dark Rider can be found at /
way 65 25 . - It is unknown which Dark Rider drops each of the remaining Relics, but the Relics are as follows: Odd Dalaran Relic, Whirring Dalaran Relic, Heavy Dalaran Relic, Slippery Dalaran Relic, Creepy Dalaran Relic.
- Once you have obtained all of the runes, you will have to return to the Dalaran Agent and return all of the Dalaran Relics to obtain the rune as a reward.
This rune fuses Arcane, Fire, and Frost magic to freeze chronomantic energy into a stored state which can be used later on. WoW players can hold onto this energy for up to 15 sec before it combusts and expires. When unleashed, it heals a friendly target for [(38.258376 + 0.904195 * Level + 0.161311 * Level * Level) * 200 / 100] to [(38.258376 + 0.904195 * Level + 0.161311 * Level * Level) * 300 / 100].
Chronostatic Preservation Rune Location
- To get this SoD rune you have to get 3 sets of Partial Spell Notes. You can do it by having 3 or 4 mages cool a Scorched mob in Thousand Needles. You can use ice spells like Frostbolt and Ice Lance. Once you're done, combine the spell notes to get the Chronostatic Preservation Rune.
- There are 3 locations in which you can find the mobs: Singed Highperch Consort (/
way 11, 36), Scorched Screeching Roguefeather (harpy caves on the southern wall), Seared Needles Cougar (Great Lift).
This rune causes you to launch a bolt of spellfrost at the enemy. It will do (* 203 / 100) to (* 237 / 100) Spellfrost damage and slow them down by 40% for 9 sec. This spell will be checked against the lower of the target's Frost and Arcane resists. It counts as both Frost and Arcane damage.
Missile Spellfrost Bolt Rune Location
- To get this SoD rune you need a Comprehension Charm, which can be bought from Reagent vendors in any capital city (also a quest reward for completing Spell Research)
- Head to Zul'Gurub in Stranglethorn Vale (/
way 47 34 ). A Skullsplitter Mystic mob will drop Spell Notes: PELFRB STOLLOTS. Use Comprehension Charm to decrypt it and get the Spellfrost Bolt rune.
Every time you score 2 non-periodic spell crits in a row, by using Fireball, Fire Blast, Scorch, or Living Bomb, your next Pyroblast spell (cast within 10 sec) will be an instant cast.
Hotstreak Rune Location
- Head to Alterac Mountains ( /
way 58.8 67.0 ). Kill Syndicate Thief and they will drop a signed note. - Once you have the note, go to Blacksmith Forge in Strahnbrad (/
way 60.0 46.4 ), where you will find two bellows connected to the outside of the forge building. Use a fire spell to get them red and flaming. When you're done an Ancient Elemental will spawn and when you defeat it, it will drop the Hotstreak Rune.
Your Frost damage spells with chilling effects have a 15% chance to cause your next Fireball, Spellfrost Bolt, or Frostfire Bolt spell to be instant cast and cost no mana.
Brain Freeze Rune Location
- Start the Highway Robbery quest in Desolace at the Extinguished Campfire northwest of the Kodo Graveyard (way 47 54). Turn it in to Bibbly F'utzbuckle (/
way 63 39 , close to Kormek's Hut). Pick up the quest On the Lam. - Head to the Booty Bay inn. Talk to Tokal to turn in the quest and get Cherry for Your Thoughts?. You'll have to buy her Cherry Grog and she will give you the next quest, No Honor Among Thieves.
- Find the rowboat under the bridge between Arathi Highlands and the Wetlands, (/w
53, 91). It will take you to the eastern shore. There you'll need to find Illari Duskfeather. Defeat her and loot Illari's Key. Open the chest and you'll get the Brain Freeze Rune.
The Spell Power Rune increases the critical strike damage bonus of all spells by 50%.
Spell Power Rune Location
To get this SoD rune, you need to read 20 books, including the 10 books you read when acquiring the Icy Veins rune. Demons and You (Desolace Marsh /
way 55.0, 28.0), RwlRwlRwlRwl! (Dustwallow Marsh, / way 57.0, 21.0), Geomancy: The Stone-Cold Truth (Thousand Needles, / way 34.0, 40.0), Geomancy: The Stone-Cold Truth (Thousand Needles, / way 34.0, 40.0), Defensive Magics 101 (Alterac Mountains, /way 48.5 57.6), A Web of Lies: Debunking Myths and Legends (Arathi Highlands, /way 73.0, 65.0), Mummies: A Guide to the Unsavory Undead (Badlands, /way 57.0, 39.0), Basilisks: Should Petrification be Feared? (Stranglethorn Vale, /way 41.5, 50.8), A Ludite's Guide to Caring for Your Demonic Pet (Swamp of Sorrows, /way 61.0, 22.0).
Launches a bolt of frostfire at the enemy, causing (* 258 / 100) to (* 300 / 100) Frostfire damage, slowing movement speed by 40% and causing an additional (* 8 / 100 * 3) Frostfire damage over 9 sec. This spell will be checked against the lower of the target's Frost and Fire resists and counts as both Frost and Fire damage.
Frostfire Bolt Rune Location
- The Spell Notes: TROFF IRESTBOL drops from Skullsplitter Mystic outside of Zul'Gurub in Stranglethorn Vale (approximately /way 47 34). This mob has many spawn points and locations, so you may have to search among the other Skullsplitter mobs in the area to find one.
WoW SoD Phase 2 Warlock Runes and Locations
This SoD rune deals instant damage upon refreshing Corruption, Immolate, Curse of Agony, or Siphon Life, when it has less than 6 seconds duration remaining. This damage will be equal to one period of that spell's periodic damage.
Pain Invocation Rune Location
- To get this rune, defeat Syndicate Conjuror (Stormgarde Keep in Arathi Highlands) and get 10 Conjuror's Pendant. Use Drain Soul on the Voidwalker minions to get Soul of the Void.
Now you can combine the Soul of the Void with the Conjuror's Pendant on the Void Prism, on the top floor of the house in Stormgarde Keep.Kill the Void Seeker which will spawn and get the Invocation Rune.
You and your demon pet gain a dodge chance equal to your spell critical strike chance every time you deal a critical strike to an enemy. This rune will also help both the player and the pet get back 2% of the maximum mana.
Dance of the Wicked Rune Location
- To find the Dance of the Wicked Rune head to Stranglethorn Vale (inside the Gurubashi Arena) or Thousand Needles ( Singed Highperch Consort, /way 10, 40). Speak to Reckless Warlock to get Brimstone Carving. Once you have it, use Hellfire to fight mobs. Once you're below 70% health, Brimstone Carving will turn into Dance of the Wicked Rune.
After reciting from a dark tome, the player gets a 5% chance to increase the damage done by them or the summoned demon by 5% for 15 sec. This recitation lasts 30 min.
Grimoire of Synergy Rune Rune Location
- To get this SoD rune you need to complete the Metamorphosis quest first.
- You'll receive a letter, asking you to return to the Warlock camp (/
way 49.2 57.2) when you're level 30 . Y quest with Raszel Ander, A Solid Foundation, and an invisibility potion. - Head to Bough Shadow, close to the Ysondre World Boss area, and use the invisibility potion. There's a lootable tree, in which you'll find Bough of Shadows. Return to Raszel Ander with it. However, if you don't manage the stacking shadow dot damage, it can eventually kill you. Using Shadow Ward can help reduce this damage, and Healing can keep you alive longer. Since the damage increases with your maximum health, it's best to avoid resurrection sickness to prevent more frequent deaths and save time.
- Get the Soul Vessel by crafting it with Engineering (205). To craft it, you need the Schematic: Soul Vessel, which can be bought with Honored reputation from Azeroth Commerce Authority or Durotar Supply and Logistics. Gather 4x Shadowgem, 1x Demonic Figurine, and 1x Black Vitriol. Shadowgem. Shadowgem drops from low-level mobs and mining, or you can buy them from Reagent vendors. Black Vitriol is a rare drop from high-level mining.
- Once you have the Soul Vessel, head to Mannoroc Coven in southern Desolace (coordinates 54, 80) and turn it in to receive the rune for the Grimoire of Synergy.
The Shadow and Flame Rune causes your critical strikes with Fire and Shadow spells to increase your Fire and Shadow damage done by 10% for 10 sec.
Shadow and Flame Rune Location
- Start the Highway Robbery quest in Desolace at the Extinguished Campfire northwest of the Kodo Graveyard (way 47 54). Turn it in to Bibbly F'utzbuckle (/
way 63 39 , close to Kormek's Hut). Pick up the quest On the Lam. - Head to the Booty Bay inn. Talk to Tokal to turn in the quest and get Cherry for Your Thoughts?. You'll have to buy her Cherry Grog and she will give you the next quest, No Honor Among Thieves.
- Find the rowboat under the bridge between Arathi Highlands and the Wetlands, (/w
53, 91). It will take you to the eastern shore. There you'll need to find Illari Duskfeather. Defeat her and loot Illari's Key. Open the chest and you'll get the Shadow and Flame Rune.
This SoD rune increases your spell damage and healing by a value equal to 10% of your Demon pet's total Stamina plus Intellect.
Shadow and Flame Rune Location
- To get this SoD rune, head to Deadwind Pass and talk to Dalaran Agent at Ariden's Camp (/
way 52 35 ), and you'll receiveAriden's Sigil. Equip it (or get another player to equip it) and defeat 7 Dark Rider Elites after using Ariden's Sigil to Reveal Dark Rider You can be sure a Dark Rider is near if you get the Dark Presence buff. You need to collect 7 Darlan Relics (make sure you use Reveal Dark Rider to get this loot). - The relics are Odd Dalaran Relic, Whirring Dalaran Relic, Heavy Dalaran Relic, Slippery Dalaran Relic, Creepy Dalaran Relic.
- Turn in the Relics and receive the Shadow and Flame Rune.
Shadowflame Rune causes targets in a cone in front of the caster to take (64 */ 100) Shadow damage and an additional (24 * 4 */ 100) Fire damage over 8 sec. This effect can be consumed with Conflagrate.
Shadowflame Rune Location
- Head to Shadowbreak Ravine in the southeastern corner of Desolace ( /
way 79.7 82.7) . Find the Altar (/way 81.4 79.8) and cast Shadow Ward to interact with . lethal Shadow damage over 5 seconds. Once the channeling is completed Seductress Ceeyna will spawn. Defeat her for the Shadowflame Rune.
And that covers all of the class runes for World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 2.