World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 2 has a lot of things to consider regarding the individual strength of all of the classes, so we will examine the best options in terms of items, talents, and runes for Shaman Tanks.
This guide should help you get a general idea of how to best utilize the kits Shamans have. We will make sure to update this guide as the meta changes are players find better ways of utilizing the Shaman's kit.
We will provide the best talents, runes, gear, etc. for WoW SoD Phase 2 currently so you can have an easier time clearing the new Gnomeregan Raid and do PvP in Stranglethorn Vale like it's nothing.
WoW SoD Phase 2 Shaman Tank
WoW SoD Phase 2 Shaman Tank Talents
Investing fully into Enhancement will offer you the most damage possible.
WoW SoD Phase 2 Shaman Tank Runes
If the incoming damage is manageable on a boss, you can switch from Shield Mastery to Dual Wield Specialization.
- Chest Shield Mastery
- Waist Maelstrom Weapon
- Legs Way of Earth
- Feet Spirit of the Alpha
- Hands Lava Burst
WoW SoD Phase 2 Shaman Tank Raid Consumables
- Elixir of Agility
- Elixir of Greater Defense
- Mighty Troll's Blood Potion
- Dragonbreath Chili
- Greater Mana Potion
- Elixir of Ogre's Strength
WoW SoD Phase 2 Shaman Tank Pre-BiS
- Raging Berserker's Helm - Drop from Scarlet Monastery Dungeon
- Ancient Crown of the Bear - World Drop
- Ravager's Crown - World Drop
- Scout's Medallion - Warsong Gulch Honored
- Gazlowe's Charm - World Drop
- Lodestone Necklace of the Bear - World Drop
- Skeletal Shoulders - World Drop
- Herod's Shoulder - Drop from Scarlet Monastery Dungeon
- Bonelink Epaulets of the Monkey - World Drop
- Sergeant's Cape - PvP Rank 3
- Battlehard Cape - Quest Reward from A Grim Discovery
- Green Iron Hauberk - Blacksmithing
- Brigade Breastplate of Power - World Drop
- Windtalker's Wristguards - Warsong Gulch Exalted
- Ironaya's Bracers of the Monkey - Drop from Uldaman Dungeon
- Ironaya's Bracers of Power - Drop from Uldaman Dungeon
- Champion's Bracers of Power- World Drop
- Gauntlets of Divinity - Drop from Scarlet Monastery Dungeon
- Defiler's Chain Girdle - Horde Arathi Basin Honored
- Stonefist Girdle - Quest Reward from The Crone of the Kraul
- Boar Champion's Belt - Drop from Razorfen Downs Dungeon
- Scarlet Leggings - Drop from Scarlet Monastery Dungeon
- Legguards of the Vault - World Drop
- Brigade Leggings of Power - World Drop
- Black Ogre Kickers - Drop from Lo'Grosh (Alterac Mountains)
- Defiler's Chain Greaves - Arathi Basin Revered
- Bonelink Sabatons of Power - World Drop
- Assault Band - World Drop
- Legionnaire's Band - Horde Warsong Gulch Honored
- Mark of Kern - Random Drop from Scarlet Monastery Dungeon
- Band of Allegiance - Quest Reward from Service to the Horde
- Avenger's Void Pearl - Blackfathom Deeps Raid drop
- Rune of Perfection - Warsong Gulch Friendly
Weapons Enchant Weapon - Striking
- Gut Ripper - World Drop
- Ardent Custodian - World Drop
- Heaven's Light - World Drop
- Stonevault Bonebreaker - Random Drop from Uldaman Dungeon
- Hand of Righteousness - Drop from Scarlet Monastery Dungeon
- Shovelphlange's Mining Axe - Drops from Digmaster Shovelphlange (Thousand Needles)
- Fight Club - Random Drop from Scarlet Monastery Dungeon
- Axe of the Ebon Drake - Quest Reward from Set Them Ablaze!
- Spirit of the Faerie Dragon - Quest Reward from Weapons of Spirit
- Aegis of the Scarlet Commander - Drop from Scarlet Monastery Dungeon (Cathedral)
- Aegis of Battle - Quest Reward from Venom to the Undercity
- Carved Driftwood Icon - Blackfathom Deeps Raid drop
WoW SoD Phase 2 Shaman Tank BiS
- Rad-Resistant Scale Hood - Leatherworking
- Gnomeregan Peace Officer's Torque - Gnomeregan Raid Drop
- Troggslayer Pauldrons - Gnomeregan Raid Drop
- Drape of Dismantling - Gnomeregan Raid Drop
- Electromantic Chainmail - Gnomeregan Raid Drop
- Forest Stalker's Bracers - Warsong Gulch Exalted
- Experimental Aim Stabilizers - Gnomeregan Raid Drop
Hands Enchant Gloves - Agility
- Machinist's Gloves (BiS against Mechanical Enemies) - Gnomeregan Raid Drop
- Gloves of Holy Might - World Drop
- Darkvision Girdle - Gnomeregan Raid Drop
Legs Thick Armor Kit
- Electromantic Chausses - Gnomeregan Raid Drop
- Electromantic Grounding Sabatons - Gnomeregan Raid Drop
- Legionnaire's Band - Horde Warsong Gulch Honored
- Hypercharged Gear of Devastation - Gnomeregan Raid Drop
- Avenger's Void Pearl - Blackfathom Deeps Raid drop
- Gyromatic Experiment 420b - Gnomeregan Raid Drop
Weapons Enchant Weapon - Striking
- Mekkatorque's Arcano-Shredder - Gnomeregan Raid Drop
- Cogmaster's Claw - Gnomeregan Raid Drop
Two-Handed Weapon Enchant 2H Weapon - Impact
- Bloodstorm War Totem - Stranglethorn Vale PvP Reward Mai'zin
- Thermaplugg's Rocket Cleaver - Gnomeregan Raid Drop
- Carved Driftwood Icon - Blackfathom Deeps Raid drop