World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 3 has brought a new and very challenging 20-man raid. Sunken Temple so far is proving quite difficult even for the best of the best, as it seems that the devs have upped the ante this time around.
With that in mind, this guide should help you get a general idea of how to build your Druid Tank so you can help out your raid and succeed despite all of the scary encounters in the temple. We will show you the best runes, talents, pre-BiS, and BiS gear for Druids currently in Phase 3.
WoW SoD Phase 3 Druid Tank
WoW SoD Phase 3 Druid Tank Talents
WoW SoD Phase 3 Druid Tank Runes
- Chest Wild Strikes
- Waist Berserk
- Legs Skull Bash
- Feet Survival Instincts
- Hands Mangle
- Head Gore
- Wrists Improved Frenzied Regeneration
WoW SoD Phase 3 Druid Tank Raid Consumables
- Catnip
- Elixir of Giants
- Atal'ai Mojo of War
- Grilled Squid
- Mighty Troll's Blood Potion
- Elixir of the Mongoose
- Winterfall Firewater
- Elixir of Superior Defense
WoW SoD Phase 3 Druid Tank Pre-BiS
- Glowing Gneuro-Linked Cowl (Leatherworking)
- Knight-Lieutenant's Leather Headband (Alliance PvP Rank 7)
- Blood Guard's Leather Headband (Horde PvP Rank 7)
- Embrace of the Lycan (Zul'Farrak)
- Emerald Leather Helm (Nightmare Incursions)
Enchantment: Wolfshead Trophy
- Woven Ivy Necklace (Horde Wanted: Vile Priestess Hexx and Her Minions in The Hinterlands)
- Gnomeregan Peace Officer's Torque (Gnomeregan)
- Sentinel's Medallion (Alliance Warsong Gulch – Honored)
- Scout's Medallion (Horde Warsong Gulch – Honored)
- Splinthide Shoulders (Blackrock Depths)
- Knight-Lieutenant's Leather Shoulders (Alliance PvP Rank 7)
- Blood Guard's Leather Shoulders (Horde PvP Rank 7)
- Emerald Leather Shoulders (Nightmare Incursions)
- Drape of Dismantling (Gnomeregan)
- Blackveil Cape (Blackrock Depths)
- Blisterbane Wrap (World Drop)
Enchantment: Enchant Cloak - Lesser Agility
- Insulated Chestguard (Gnomeregan)
- Knight's Leather Armor (Alliance PvP Rank 6)
- Stone Guard's Leather Armor (Horde PvP Rank 6)
- Emerald Leather Vest (Nightmare Incursions)
- Fungus Shroud Armor (Maraudon)
- Plainstalker Tunic (The Bait for Lar'korwi in Un'Goro Crater)
Enchantment: Enchant Chest - Greater Stats
- Forest Stalker's Bracers (Warsong Gulch – Exalted)
- Deepfury Bracers (World Drop)
- Pridelord Bands (World Drop)
- Peerless Bracers of the Bear (or similar item with up to +9 Str/Stam, World Drop)
- Sergeant Major's Dragonhide Armsplints (PvP Rank 5)
- First Sergeant's Dragonhide Armguards (PvP Rank 5)
Enchantment: Enchant Bracer - Superior Strength
- Sergeant Major's Leather Gauntlets (Alliance PvP Rank 5)
- First Sergeant's Leather Gauntlets (Horde PvP Rank 5)
- Blight Leather Gloves (A Final Blow in Felwood, req. quest chain starting with Forces of Jaedenar at /way 51.2 82.2 in Felwood)
- Emerald Leather Gloves (Nightmare Incursions)
Enchantment: Enchant Gloves - Greater Agility
- Girdle of Beastial Fury (Blackrock Depths)
- Skullduggery Waistband (Gnomeregan)
- Defiler's Leather Girdle (Arathi Basin – Honored)
- Insulated Legguards (Gnomeregan)
- Knight's Leather Pants (Alliance PvP Rank 5)
- Stone Guard's Leather Pants (Horde PvP Rank 5)
- Emerald Leather Pants (Nightmare Incursions)
Enchantment: Lesser Arcanum of Voracity
- Insulated Workboots (Gnomeregan – only for 3-set bonus)
- Gnomebot Operators Boots (Gnomeregan)
- Defiler's Leather Boots (Arathi Basin – Revered)
- Shadefiend Boots (Blackrock Depths)
Enchantment: Enchant Boots - Greater Agility
- Band of the Wilds (12 Wild Offering)
- Blackstone Ring (Maraudon)
- Hypercharged Gear of Devastation (Gnomeregan)
- Protector's Band (Alliance Warsong Gulch – Honored)
- Legionnaire's Band (Horde Warsong Gulch – Honored)
- Ring of Protection (Hidden Treasures, starts with Marauders of Darrowshire from Carlin Redpath at /way 81.4 59.8 in Eastern Plaguelands)
- Masons Fraternity Ring (Divino-matic Rod in Zul'Farrak, starting in Gadgetzan)
- Mark of the Chosen (The Pariah's Instructions in Desolace)
- Breadth of the Beast (12 Wild Offering)
Rune of the Guard Captain (Horde Job Opening: Guard Captain of Revantusk Village at /way 79.0 79.0 in The Hinterlands) - Gyromatic Experiment 420b (Gnomeregan)
- Avenger's Void Pearl (Blackfathom Deeps)
- Ritualist's Hammer (Stranglethorn Vale PvP event)
- Princess Theradras' Scepter (Maraudon)
Enchantment: Iron Counterweight
- Mind-Expanding Mushroom (Blackfathom Deeps)
WoW SoD Phase 3 Druid Tank BiS
- Glowing Gneuro-Linked Cowl (Leatherworking)
- Ba'ham's Dusty Hat (Sunken Temple)
Enchantment: Wolfshead Trophy
- Skibi's Pendant (World Drop)
- Bloodstained Charm of Valor (Sunken Temple)
- Paranoia Mantle (Leatherworking)
- Atal'ai Spaulders of the Bear (Sunken Temple)
Enchantment: Atal'ai Signet of Might
- Panther Fur Cloak (Sunken Temple)
Enchantment: Enchant Cloak - Lesser Agility
- Coagulated Bloodguard Tunic (Sunken Temple)
Enchantment: Enchant Chest - Greater Stats
- Forest Stalker's Bracers (Warsong Gulch – Exalted)
- Void-Powered Slayer's Vambraces (Engineering)
Enchantment: Enchant Bracer - Superior Strength
- Foul Smelling Fighter's Gloves (Sunken Temple)
Enchantment: Enchant Gloves - Greater Agility
- Girdle of Beastial Fury (Blackrock Depths)
- Coagulated Bloodguard Pants (Sunken Temple)
Enchantment: Lesser Arcanum of Voracity
- Coagulated Bloodguard Boots (Sunken Temple)
Enchantment: Enchant Boots - Greater Agility
- Band of the Wilds (12 Wild Offering)
- Blackstone Ring (Maraudon)
- Drakeclaw Band of the Juggernaut (Sunken Temple)
- Mark of the Chosen (The Pariah's Instructions in Desolace)
- Breadth of the Beast (12 Wild Offering)
Rune of the Guard Captain (Job Opening: Guard Captain of Revantusk Village at /way 79.0 79.0 in The Hinterlands) - Gyromatic Experiment 420b (Gnomeregan)
- Ritualist's Hammer (Stranglethorn Vale PvP event)
Enchantment: Iron Counterweight
- Ancient Divining Rod (Sunken Temple)
Enchantment: Enchant 2H Weapon - Agility
- Idol of the Dream (Sunken Temple)
And that covers everything we know about the best way to build and optimize your character in Season of Discovery Phase 3 so you can be one of the best Tanks in your raid so best of luck, Champions of Azeroth!