Phase 3 has brought a new 20-man raid in the Sunken Temple where players will need to defeat 8 different bosses for a chance to get some sweet loot and gear as well as prove their might in the face of new challenges. Blizzard has made this raid a bit more mechanically-complex in comparison to the Gnomeregan and Blackfathom Deeps raids so players will have to put in some extra work.
With that being said, we will go over how you can defeat the third boss of the Season of Discovery Sunken Temple raid, namely Atal'ai Defenders. We will discuss the abilities, strategy, and some helpful tips you can use to ensure that your group smoothly clears without much fuss.

Sunken Temple Atal'ai Defenders Boss Guide
The third boss you encounter in the Sunken Temple raid is not as difficult depending on your raid composition. You will fight 6 different bosses one at a time, however, upon dying a ghost version will spawn that you will need to CC. Once all 6 bosses have been killed, the ghosts will disappear.
For this fight, you will primarily need to interrupt and cleanse debuffs as well as use CC to stop the bosses from becoming threats. Shackle Undead and Freezing Trap will do you wonders. You can manage the fight with one tank, however, if you lack CC, you can opt for 2 tanks, 4 healers, and every kind of DPS available.
Atal'ai Defenders Abilities
- Fervor: Stacking buff that increases Gasher's attack and movement speed. Make sure to remove it ASAP.
- Atal'ai Serpent Totem: Mijan summons a Serpent Totem that should be interrupted and killed always to avoid unnecessary damage.
- There are several more abilities that bosses have, however, most of them are curses you need to dispel or simply damaging abilities you need to interrupt. Make sure to constantly interrupt and CC the bosses.
Atal'ai Defenders Tips

Since you will be slowly building up the amount of enemies you will face during the encounter, it is best to assign roles to every member so every boss has a dedicated player CC-ing them or interrupting.
And that is everything you need to know about defeating the third boss of the Sunken Temple Raid in Season of Discovery Phase 3. Best of luck, Champions of Azeroth, and may the RNG Gods be ever in your favor!