Phase 3 has brought a new 20-man raid in the Sunken Temple where players will need to defeat 8 different bosses for a chance to get some sweet loot and gear as well as prove their might in the face of new challenges. Blizzard has made this raid a bit more mechanically-complex in comparison to the Gnomeregan and Blackfathom Deeps raids so players will have to put in some extra work.
With that being said, we will go over how you can defeat the eighth and final boss of the Season of Discovery Sunken Temple raid, namely Avatar of Hakkar. We will discuss the abilities, strategy, and some helpful tips you can use to ensure that your group smoothly clears without much fuss.

Sunken Temple Avatar of Hakkar Guide
The final boss you encounter in the Sunken Temple raid is not as difficult as Shade of Eranikus, however, you will still need to pay attention to some important mechanics. You will need 1 tank, preferably 2, 4 healers, and any kind of DPS.
Phase 1
To spawn the boss, you will first need to kill the four ritualists before you can engage the Hakkari Bloodkeeper. Once the Bloodkeeper reaches 100% mana, the Avatar of Hakkar will spawn.
Phase 2
The Hakkari Bloodkeeper will despawn so you will only have to deal with the Avatar of Hakkar. This fight does not have too many intricate mechanics, you will primarily need to deal with some annoying abilities but it should be pretty straightforward.
Hakkari Bloodkeeper Abilities
- Frightsome Howl: AoE fear that needs to be interrupted.
- Spirit Chains: Targets Melee so make sure to get out of the group as the dispel spreads to other members.
- Bubbling Blood: Creates a blood puddle on the ground that deals damage.
Avatar of Hakkar Abilities
- Corrupted Blood: The boss will mark two players with a Shadow damage DoT that can spread to other party members.
- Drain Blood: Frontal cone that deals damage and removes Corrupted Blood. You will also receive the Skeletal debuff that prevents you from getting healed.
- Spirit Chains: Targets Melee so make sure to get out of the group as the dispel spreads to other members.
- Blood Nova: Raid-wide AoE that cannot be interrupted.
- Insanity: Makes the targeted player hostile to your group but you can still control your character.
- Curse of Tongues: AoE curse that reduces casting speed by 50%. Can be interrupted.
Avatar of Hakkar Tips

Make sure to get away from the group stacks when targeted by Corrupted Blood as you will need to quickly cleanse it. Should your entire group get hit, you can still survive until you can cleanse the debuff, however, the healers will need to spend a lot of resources.
Make sure to preserve your mana when fighting the Hakkari Bloodkeeper as you will not need to kill it to get to the main fight.
And that is everything you need to know about defeating the final boss of the Sunken Temple Raid in Season of Discovery Phase 3. Best of luck, Champions of Azeroth, and may the RNG Gods be ever in your favor!