Phase 3 has brought a new 20-man raid in the Sunken Temple where players will need to defeat 8 different bosses for a chance to get some sweet loot and gear as well as prove their might in the face of new challenges. Blizzard has made this raid a bit more mechanically-complex in comparison to the Gnomeregan and Blackfathom Deeps raids so players will have to put in some extra work.
With that being said, we will go over how you can defeat the fourth boss of the Season of Discovery Sunken Temple raid, namely Dreamscythe and Weaver. We will discuss the abilities, strategy, and some helpful tips you can use to ensure that your group smoothly clears without much fuss.

Sunken Temple Dreamscythe and Weaver Boss Guide
The fourth boss you encounter in the Sunken Temple raid can be tricky at first, but the mechanics are not as difficult to overcome. You will fight Dreamscythe alongside Weaver in an open chamber with a hole in the middle that you can fall into and perish. You will fight only Dreamscythe until he reaches 80% health.
Once Dreamscythe is at 80%, Weaver joins the fight. Please note that both dragons share the same health pool. For this fight, you can have 2-3 tanks, 5 people or more healing and the rest can be DPS. Shadow Priests are great as they can passively heal the raid.
Dreamscythe and Weaver Abilities
- Wing Flap: Both of the dragons knock back targets a short distance.
- Wing Buffet: Both dragons fly to the edge of the chamber and cast a frontal knockback. The closer you are to the dragons, the farther you will be knocked back.
- Delayed Wing Buffet: Weaver simply has a delayed Wing Buffet, with no other major difference.
- Acid Breath: The bosses blast a frontal cone that inflicts the Caustic Overflow DoT.
- Caustic Overflow: Dreamscythe fills the outer rim of the room with poison that has a damaging stacking DoT.
- Emerald Ward: Grants temporary immunity to the bosses that reduces incoming damage.
Dreamscythe and Weaver Tips

This can be quite a tricky fight as you will need to constantly be aware of your positioning to avoid getting pushed into the poison or hole in the middle of the room.
Make sure to keep your distance from the dragons once they start casting their knockback. This will be the main mechanic you will need to watch out for as the fight can be lengthy if your composition does not have enough Ranged DPS.
Tanks should swap every time any of the dragons cast Acid Breath to avoid getting too many stacks at a time. Hunters can use their pets to swap with players as well.
And that is everything you need to know about defeating the fourth boss of the Sunken Temple Raid in Season of Discovery Phase 3. Best of luck, Champions of Azeroth, and may the RNG Gods be ever in your favor!