The Sacred Arbor storyline may have started by helping Glyndwr find a bow in Dragon’s Dogma 2 but it will end with you helping the elves restore their revered Arborheart. When you have completed Gift of the Bow, A Trial of Archery, and the Ailing Arborheart, you can start Out of the Forest, Into the Forge.

You already know that you are on the quest to find Scalecinder but the one dwarf that can help refuses to do so. Bringing him some nutriabh might convince him. Nothing is ever simple, but that’s what makes it fun. If you are struggling to figure out what to do next, that’s what we are here for.
How to Start Out of the Forest, Into the Forge in Dragon’s Dogma 2
Out of the Forest, Into the Forge will begin as soon as you have completed The Ailing Arborheart. You will be in Bakbattahl, in Brokkr’s Smithy. Drop a Portcrystal nearby if you have one spare because you're going to want to jump back shortly.
Where to Find Nutriabh in Dragon’s Dogma 2
Head straight to the Sacred Arbor and talk to Doireann. She will agree to make the nutriabh if you collect the ingredients. You will need to find one rotten apple and one rotten shorefish. I’m not sure that sounds too appetizing but we aren’t eating it.

You might already have the required ingredients in your inventory but if you don’t, you can easily find them nearby. Apples grow on trees all over Dragon’s Dogma 2. If you don’t want to go scrumping for apples, you can buy some from the merchant in the Borderwatch Outpost, Melve, or the Nameless village.
The shorefish can be a little more difficult to find but if you head to the water within the Sacred Arbor, you should be able to find some pretty quickly. Saurian enemies will also drop shorefish frequently.
When you have the required ingredients, you might need to rest on a nearby bench to let the food rot. Three days should be enough, but be careful if you have a Pawn with the Logistician Specialization because they might turn it into lantern oil.

Return to Doireann when you have everything you need and she will make you some nutriabh. She will follow you as you travel to Bakbattahl either by foot and Oxcart or by using the Ferrystone she gives you. Head to Brokkr’s Smithy and give Sara the nutriabh. Sara will lead you both to Stragglers’ Cave and call out for Brokkr.
The plan of placating him doesn’t work and he gets angry at the sight of Doireann. He will head outside to throw out the food and Sara will tell you that now is your chance to collect some Scalecinder. You will have a set amount of time to find as much as you can so get moving.
Look for green piles of dust on the ground. You won’t find any Scalecinder in the boxes or breakable containers but you can find some valuable stuff so it’s worth taking a look. You only need one pile but if you search the whole cave, you should be able to find four.

Give Doireann whatever you managed to find to end the Out of the Forest, Into the Forge quest. You will receive 13,000 gold and a Warbler Capelet for your effort. It might not seem like a lot but if you want to achieve the best possible ending for the game, you will need to complete this mission.
The next time you visit the Sacred Arbor you should see new leaves growing on the Arborheart. That’s everything you need to know about the Out of the Forest, Into the Forge quest. I hope this helps. Take a look at our guides for the Off the Pilfered Path, A Veil of Gossamer Clouds, and Trouble on the Cape quests.