Some League of Legends players prefer to one-trick a certain champion. 'One-tricking' refers to choosing only one champion to play in all Ranked games to climb easily and having a main means focusing on your own skills to carry games. In this article, we will look at the best champions to one-trick for each role in LoL Patch 14.4.
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ADC Solo Carry Champions 14.4: Miss Fortune & Senna

Twisted Fate and Smolder are great LoL champion choices for Ranked in Patch 14.4. They're versatile champions with good win rates. But here's the catch - they have a very high ban rate. Actually, they're the most banned ADCs currently. That's why we suggest opting for Miss Fortune and Senna.
Miss Fortune One-Trick ADC
Miss Fortune used to have a way higher pick and ban rate, but things are currently looking more stable for her. She's an easy-to-pick-up and master champ. MF is OP from the get-go, so imagine what she can do when a skilled player locks her in. Youmuu's Ghostblade and Collector might have gotten nerfed but she's still amazing in Ranked. Paired up with a Support who can stun, Miss Fortune is unstoppable.
Senna One-Trick ADC
Senna is the ADC with the highest current win rate - 53%. The best thing is her pick and ban rates aren't that high, possibly because many players still see her primarily as a Support. Make use of this confusion about her and lock her in. Currently, she barely has any reliable counterpicks, except for Seraphine. The best thing is that you can totally pick her as a support if you need to take up that role.
Support Solo Carry Champions 14.4: Maokai & Camille

Support is a role that has changed a lot since the start of Season 14, with champions such as Janna being way more aggressive than they used to be. Blitzcrank is the most banned champion when it comes to the support role, followed by Morgana.
Maokai One-Trick Support
Maokai got nerfed in patch 14.4 but this didn't change much about his performance. If anything, they just made it less insanely and unfairly good, than what it used to be. Easy to hit CC, good roaming, tanky - he's a great pick for everyone and can surely carry you out of Low Elo. Janna is one of his few current counters, so make use of his OP performance. Even Riot Games claimed Maokai is 'is currently still the best support in the game, branch hands down.' in the most recent patch notes.
Camille One-Trick Support
Surprised? Camille is an odd and new choice for support. She has less than 1% pick rate and exactly 1% ban rate. Others will assume you're picking her for the top lane, making it difficult for them to select a suitable counter. In a gank situation Camille will surely shine and secure a kill. Her stun makes her a viable support pick with amazing damage. Pick her up with Hail of Blades for the best results.
Top Solo Carry Champions 14.4: Mordekaiser & Urgot

The Black Cleaver buffs in patch 14.4 really shook up the top lane meta. Illaoi is incredibly good right now, but she has a high ban rate. Zac, Garen, and Yorick are also great choices but let's take a look at our favorites:
Mordekaiser One-Trick Top
Morde has always been a classic LoL top laner, who either performs badly or carries the game completely. The AP Bruiser build is amazing for him. Morde does insane damage while also being tanky, which makes him a huge threat to every enemy. Even if you're behind, your Ult can be very useful in team fights, if you lock a fed champion out of combat. The Lethal Tempo changes are bad news for Mordekaiser's opponents, as they'll no longer pose a threat to him.
Urgot One-Trick Top
Urgot is a great choice for Ranked Climbing. The recent Black Cleaver buffs did amazing work for him ( Carve Armor Reduction per Stack: 4% ⇒ 5% / Maximum Carve Stacks: 6 ⇒ 5 / Maximum Armor Reduction: 24% ⇒ 25% / Fervor Bonus / Movement Speed: 20 (melee) / 10 (ranged) ⇒ 20 for all champions). Fervor Proc applies on all physical damage, even if mitigated, which helps a lot. The Lethal Tempo nerfs make things easier for Urgot, as he barely has any match-ups, except for Trundle, who's not as strong as he used to be.
Mid Solo Carry Champions 14.4: Ahri & Karma

Lots of changes in the mid-lane. Fizz, Twisted Fate and Aurelion Sol are still dominating, but we have more reliable pick choices for you.
Ahri One-Trick Mid
Ahri lost some power with the removal of Everfrost, but she's regaining strength with a buff. She has some more health (Health Growth: 96 ⇒ 104) and better AP ratio on her Q (AP Ratio: 45% AP ⇒ 50% AP). All of this makes her a solid choice for Ranked play, with high mobility, gap closing, chase down, and escape. Her pick and ban rate are still low, as it seems like a lot of players still haven't caught up how good she is at the moment.
Karma One-Trick Mid
Karma is a surprising choice for the mid-lane but a great one. The amazing thing about maining her is that you can play her as a support and top laner if the LoL Solo queue requires you to, by giving mid-lane to someone else. Karma has her Ult available from the start of the match, as a boost for all of her abilities, which gives you a great early-game advantage before level 6. By rushing Malignance, you'll become unstoppable.
Jungle Solo Carry Champions 14.4: Brand & Bel'Veth

There haven't been a lot of changes in the Jungle meta, and most of them are indirect, through itemization. Nocturne and Master Yi have been great choices for Ranked but here are our current favorites:
Brand One-Trick JG
Brand is a very easy LoL champion to pick up and master. It's basically a point-and-click win. Brand's mechanics are easy and his kit is great for team fights. Overall, a great pick for easy climbing in Ranked. Full clearing before ganking is the best way to go with him.
Bel'Veth One-Trick JG
Bel'Veth has been in the Jungler S-Tier a few patches now, due to a lot of indirect changes and itemization. Kraken Slayer is stronger now which helps her a lot in the early game. The most recent Terminus buff also has a lot to do with her amazing performance. It will take you some time to master Bel'Veth but it will surely pay off.
These are our one-trick picks for League of Legends. Of course, pro players don't suggest maining a single champion, but it could be what makes your climb out of low elo easy.