At BlizzCon, fans were delighted to learn that the next expansion pack for World of Warcraft will be 'The War Within', scheduled for release in Fall 2024.
In 'The War Within', players will explore everything from the Nerubian Empire to encountering emissaries of the Void. The expansion's primary focus is on delving deep into the ground to uncover secrets and treasures of long-lost civilizations.
This article provides an in-depth look at all the information we currently have about 'The War Within'.
New Zone
As anticipated, the expansion will bring forth a new continent, brimming with quests and activities. At BlizzCon 2023, fans were introduced to four fresh zones - Azj-Kahet, Isle of Dorn, The Ringing Deeps, and Hallowfall. Check out our detailed article about the zones here.


Warbands provide a fresh approach for players dealing with challenges using alternate characters (alts). This convenient solution assists players in easily managing multiple avatars without feeling overwhelmed. Upon entering the game, the character selection screen will bring all your characters in a cozy atmosphere. Banks will offer a shared account between characters, and reputations, renowns, achievements, and flight paths will be account-wide. Learn more in here.
Cross-Realm Guilds

Cross-Faction raiding was introduced in Shadowlands Patch 9.2.5, and Cross-Faction guilds became available in Dragonflight Patch 10.1. This next step will further break down barriers for players, allowing them to create cross-server communities for raiding without content restrictions. This provides greater flexibility when choosing servers, factions, and guilds.

Delves offer an enriched outdoor exploration, for those who love the outdoor adventures. Explore our detailed coverage of Delves here.
Unlike traditional dungeons focused on defeating bosses, Delves center around exploration, discovery, and solving mysteries in open-world environments. These unfold without loading screens, fully immersing players in the outdoor world.
You can venture into Delves with groups of 1 to 4 players, irrespective of role specialization. They are available in various tiers, each offering unique rewards.
As seasons progress, Delves will become more challenging, providing enhanced rewards. Currently, 12 Delves are planned, with 11 revealed at BlizzCon, while one remains a mystery for players to uncover.
- Isle of Dorn: Earthcrawl Mines, Kriegval’s Rest, Fungal Folly
- Hallowfall: Skittering Breach, Nightfall Sanctum, The Sinkhole, Mycomancer Cavern
- The Ringing Deeps: The Waterworks, The Dread Pit, Deepwalker Hold
- Azj-Kahet: The Spiral Weave, Rak-Rethan Abyss
Brann Bronzebeard serves as the Season 1 companion. Players can make him into a tank, DPS, healer - anything they need in their gameplay.

The Great Vault PvP section will be replaced by the World section, following feedback suggesting that blending PvP with random loot isn't optimal.
Hero Talents

Hero talents introduce additional customization to your class. Each specialization of a class will have two new talent trees, allowing you to tailor the playstyle of your favorite class to perfection.

Playable Allied Race - Earthen

Fans were introduced to a new allied race that can align with either the Horde or the Alliance. In our journey to Kazel Gath, we encounter the locals known as the Earthen. This titan-forged race, made of stone infused with the essence of Azeroth's Worldsoul, has been guarding the Coreway—a passage to the world's core constructed by the Titans—since their creation. Visually, the Earthens have a larger stature and wear gems. Philosophically, they adhere to the edicts of the Titans, their creators, and are divided into three groups: Oathsworn, Unbound, and Machine Speakers. Discover more about them in this article, dedicated to Earthens.
New Dynamic Flying

Details about the new flying mechanics in 'The War Within' aren't out yet, but judging from the trailer, it appears that players will have a variety of new abilities to explore.
New Dungeons

Like every new WoW expansion, there will be a variety of new dungeons. They were introduced during BlizzCon:
Level-Up Dungeons
Max-Level Dungeons
First Raid: Nerub'ar Palace

We already know the name of the first raid - Nerub'ar palace. It will be the culmination of the storyline between the Nerubian Empire, their Queen, and Xal'atath.
The exact release date for the expansion hasn't been announced, but we know it will be in Fall 2024. This means we'll explore the new zones and mechanics between September 23rd - December 22nd.