With World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic now live, many players are gearing up their characters to try out the end-game content. As with previous Classic launches, players will not have complete access to all of the raids, but rather, Cataclysm Classic will deploy all of the instances in phases, allowing for slower and more casual players to catch up.
Given the fact that not everyone got to experience Cataclysm, some newer players will be rather clueless as to how to approach gearing as Blizzard implemented a lot of changes in this expansion, ultimately redefining which stats are important depending on your role and class. With that being said, we will take a look at the best gear for your Survival Hunter so you can top the DPS charts with ease.
Table of Contents

WoW Cataclysm Classic Pre-Raid Survival Hunter BiS

This guide will focus on Wowhead's extensive research to provide a simple and straightforward way for newer players to quickly identify which items to pursue as well as how to build their Survival Hunters before raids become available in Cataclysm Classic.
Survival Hunter BiS Head
Deadly Bio-Optic Killshades - Engineering
Gems and Enchants:
Survival Hunter
BiS Neck
Brazen Elementium Medallion - Jewelcrafting
Gems and Enchants:
Survival Hunter
Shoulder BiS
Bloodpetal Mantle - Ammunae (Halls of Origination - Heroic)
Gems and Enchants:
Survival Hunter BiS Back
Cloak of Thredd - Helix Gearbreaker (The Deadmines - Heroic)
Survival Hunter
BiS Chest
Wentletrap Vest - Ozumat (Throne of the Tides - Heroic)
Gems and Enchants:
Survival Hunter
BiS Wrist
Bracers of Some Consequence - Vanessa VanCleef (The Deadmines - Heroic)
Survival Hunter
BiS Hands
Gloves of the Passing Night - Magatha Silverton - Justice Points x1650 (Alliance)/ Gunra - Justice Points x1650 (Horde)
Gems and Enchants:
Survival Hunter
BiS Waist
Corded Viper Belt - Leatherworking
Gems and Enchants:
Survival Hunter
BiS Legs
Balkar's Waders - High Prophet Barim (Lost City of Tol'vir - Heroic)
Gems and Enchants:
Survival Hunter BiS
Treads of Malorne - Guardians of Hyjal (Exalted)
Gems and Enchants:
Survival Hunter
BiS Rings
Elementium Destroyer's Ring - Jewelcrafting
Gems and Enchants:
Signet of the Elder Council - The Earthen Ring (Exalted)
Survival Hunter BiS Trinkets
Tia's Grace - Siamat (Lost City of Tol'vir - Heroic)
Key to the Endless Chamber - Corborus (The Stonecore - Heroic)
Survival Hunter
BiS Weapon
Rockslicer - Admiral Ripsnarl (The Deadmines - Heroic)
Survival Hunter BiS Ranged Weapon
Amber Messenger - Ascendant Lord Obsidius (Blackrock Caverns - Heroic)
WoW Cataclysm Classic Survival Hunter Talents and Glyphs
Image via Wowhead
Image via Wowhead
WoW Cataclysm Classic Survival Hunter Rotation and Cooldowns

There are several rotations that you will need to use depending on the encounter. We will go through all of the major abilities you should prioritize using to ensure your DPS is at the top of the charts.
Single Target Rotation
- Explosive Shot - Explosive Shot should always be your highest priority and always kept on cooldown.
- Serpent Sting - Serpent Sting should be applied after your first Explosive Shot in the opener. It will never be hard casted again as Cobra Shot will maintain the duration.
- Kill Shot - Kill Shot will actually not be your highest priority whenever the enemy is within execute range (20% health or lower). You will still prioritize Explosive Shot.
Black Arrow - Black Arrow will be used once Explosive Shot is on cooldown at the start of a fight and refreshed as soon as possible when it falls off the target assuming Explosive Shot is not available.
Arcane Shot - Arcane Shot only if you are >70 Focus at this point in your rotation to dump excess focus.
- Cobra Shot - Cobra Shot to regain focus and refresh the duration of Serpent Sting.
Two-Target Rotation
- Explosive Shot - Explosive Shot will still remain the top priority for 2 target encounters. Keep it on cooldown at all times.
Explosive Trap - Explosive Trap will now take priority over Black Arrow.
Kill Shot - Kill Shot will actually not be your highest priority whenever the enemy is within execute range (20% health or lower). You will still prioritize Explosive Shot and Explosive Trap.
Multi-Shot - Multi-Shot will be used next assuming Explosive Shot, and Explosive Trap are on cooldown and Kill Shot is on cooldown if the target is below 20% health.
Cobra Shot - Cobra Shot to regain focus and refresh the duration of Serpent Sting on both targets.
Multiple Targets Rotation
Multi-Shot - Multi-Shot now has the highest priority of any ability.
Kill Shot - Kill Shot will now be used after Multi-Shot and Explosive Trap are on cooldown if your primary target is below 20% health.
Cobra Shot - Cobra Shot to regain focus and refresh the duration of Serpent Sting on all targets.
Explosive Shot - Explosive Shot will now only be used if Lock and Load is available.
Important Cooldowns
Blood Fury (Orc)
- Berserking (Troll)
And that covers everything you need to know in terms of gearing up your Survival Hunter in Cataclysm Classic. As Blizzard slowly starts releasing the rest of the end-game content, we will make sure to update you accordingly.