There has been so much backlash and feedback for the World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria Remix event, players have criticized Blizzard for their lack of adequate responses and issue resolutions, leading to frustration in the community.
Having that in mind, we will go over all of the recent adjustments that were added to mitigate the players who excessively farmed Gulp Frogs during the first three days of the MoP Remix launch. As of now, the overwhelming sentiment of the WoW community is that the developers have not properly addressed power farming and strategies that have been used for years within the game space.

WoW MoP Remix Frog Farmer Cloak Nerfs

Blizzard has deployed a hotfix that marked players who excessively farmed frogs by having their cloaks reset to 2500 of each stat and 25K Stamina. Multiple players are reporting major flaws in the flagging system, as some players who have barely participated in these farms have had their stats reset, whilst others not only did not get nerfs, but also gained access to the special 40K Bronze quest.
For everyone that did not take advantage of the frog farming, we’re providing three additional quests with large Bronze rewards for reaching levels 50, 60, and 70. These quests will become available from Momentus the item upgrader at the Jade Forest Infinite Bazaar.
These milestone quests will grant characters an additional 3,000, 7,000, and 30,000 Bronze, respectively. Level 70 Timerunners will be able to complete all three quests immediately for 40,000 additional Bronze when this change takes effect. Characters that killed an unreasonably large number of Gulp Frogs will not be eligible for these quests.
In an attempt to balance the scales and allow players who approached MoP Remix more casually, Blizzard added a special quest that can be completed once per character at level 70 for a reward of 40K Bronze.

WoW MoP Bronze System Feedback

Currently, lots of players are stuck criticizing Blizzard for their lack of actions as well as for the way they approach resolving issues in Mists of Pandaria Remix. It seems that no matter what Blizzard devs do or do not do, there will always be backlash from the community in an endless cycle of feedback that never seems to appeal to the players.
Although Blizzard is taking steps in the right direction, the major concern that was quickly identified by the player base was the overwhelming amount of Bronze that was farmed and not the obscene cloak power level.
Ultimately, we will see even more changes and adjustments to Mists of Pandaria Remix as the developers are closely monitoring the forums to ensure that players have a fun time leveling alts and reliving the days of farming those epic mounts.