With players patiently waiting for the conclusion to the Season of Discovery saga, Blizzard has deployed the Public Test Realm (PTR) for players to try out and provide feedback to the devs. Although this is a first in the SoD development cycle, the community is embracing this new approach, but is it too late for the World of Warcraft Classic enthusiasts?
Although most of the player base has quickly shifted to playing Cataclysm Classic, some are still hoping for the devs to redeem themselves for the previous two phases, with most of them praying for a miracle in Phase 4 of SoD.
With that in mind, we will take a gander at what we know about the World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 4, including how long we can expect it to last.
WoW SoD Phase 4 PTR Possible Duration

Recently, one of the major devs and leads behind Season of Discovery Josh Greenfield shared on X that the PRT might last a couple of weeks at the minimum. Although this is speculative in nature, it can potentially give a better estimate as to when Phase 4 will launch.
Yes! It was a deliberate choice to not include world buffs in these first few weeks of PTR. Once they are there, no one will test without them and getting a baseline without them would be impossible. We will add them at some point in the future once we get the data we are looking for without them and we stabilize the initial changes a bit.
-@AggrendWoW on X
This means that players can expect the PTR to potentially continue for a couple of weeks so that the devs can gather enough data and feedback from the community to ensure a smoother and more fun experience within the end-game content of WoW Vanilla.
Is WoW SoD Phase 4 Doomed?

Although this is pure speculation and in no way indicative of the future performance of World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 4, given the track record of the previous phases and all of the pitfalls from rushed or possibly untested game decisions, a majority of the community is rather pessimistic for the upcoming release.
This may lead many to believe that Blizzard did not live up to the original expectations of the player base, hoping for a WoW Classic+ experience, but SoD was able to capture the essence of this fresh approach to WoW Vanilla in its first phase.
Hopefully, the dev team is able to land back on its feet and deliver an amazing experience for players willing to forego all of the setbacks in Phase 2 and especially Phase 3. Whatever the case, we will make sure to share everything interesting we come across with you, so hopefully, Phase 4 is able to reignite the passion back into the community.