World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 3 has re-ignited the interest of many players, similar to the hype when Season of Discovery was initially announced at Blizzcon last year.
Phase 3 will see a lot of changes and new content for players to explore as not only will we be getting our first 20-man Sunken Temple raid, but it seems that the new runes, profession items, and PvP Sets will bring a lot of fresh blood on Azeroth once more.
Having said that, Wowhead has been data mining the upcoming build for WoW so we are getting a lot of insight as to what we can expect to see in Phase 3 of SoD. Please keep in mind that none of this information is official or set in stone, but it is interesting to see the design philosophy of the developers.

WoW SoD Phase 3: New PvP Rewards
The Blood Moon event will remain in Stranglethorn Vale so it seems the jungle will only get bloodier this time around. Players will gain access to special PvP sets and even new items for Phase 3.
And that covers all of the information we know about the upcoming PvP rewards for Phase 3. The Blood Moon saw a lot of mixed feedback as there were not only major lag issues and people getting stuck on layers despite joining a group.
Hopefully, the devs were able to figure out the issues behind the event and find a way to fix massive lag and glitches occurring as a lot of players were able to have fun despite all of the issues.