Blizzard released a lengthy video detailing all of the important changes coming to World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 3. Among them, professions were an important aspect as many players were wondering how the devs will approach professions in Phase 3.
Professions have always been neglected in future expansions, however, WoW Vanilla has always seen immense rewards and benefits from leveling your professions as the items and gear you could create were absolute game changers. And with the new content that is being added in each phase, professions are even more sought out.
With that being said, we have some very interesting information detailing the philosophy for WoW SoD Phase 3 so we will jump right into it.

WoW SoD Phase 3 Profession Updates

A lot of exciting stuff for professions in World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 3 as players will get a brand new quest chain, similar to Phase 1 and 2 to be able to craft new epic gear.
It seems that we will also be getting new goodies with a reusable alchemy flask which might be a great quality-of-life change for all of those hardcore raiders.
Being able to craft BiS items is a welcome change given the reliance on getting good enough gear in raids as you might sometimes be unlucky so having an alternative will provide a more smooth experience overall.

WoW SoD Phase 3 Professions Specializations

This time around, professions will no longer be uncapped so you will be able to max them out all the way to 300. Players will also gain access to Profession Specializations which will be crucial for crafting gear for yourself and sell to players as well.
Blizzard is also throwing a bone by adding new specialization quests and recipes so be on the lookout for some amazing gear and items that will further enhance your characters. Blizzard also mentioned that they will be reducing the gold price for the new recipes both for Phase 3 and the Gnomeregan recipes as well.
Since there will no longer be any professions cap, we can only imagine what Phase 4 will look like. With that being said, this is everything we know so far about professions in World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 3.